Chapter 17 - Horizon?

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Surviving School - Book 1 of the Spoken Dead Series.

Chapter 17 - Horizon?

The sound of gasps filled Lucy's ears. She flinched. They wouldn't believe her, would they?

"Horizon? Really?" Alice's face and voice displayed pure shock. Alice was fiddling with her flip cam. "To be honest, it's kind of far fetched. What dot hey have to do with the zombie's anyway?"

"Horizon is one of the bigggest companies in the world. But how do you think they got so big?." Lucy asked.

"I'm very interested now. Continue your story, Lucy, lets see if you can make this believable." Leigh seethed, with a strange look on her face.

"Well, um, you know how influencial Horizon is right?" Lucy's voice was shakey.

"Well, they have alot of products on the market and-" Alice was cut off by Lucy.

"No! It goes further than that. The stuff they make, that you now of, is just the cover story! Horizon do other things, to people." Lucy began to get abit hysteric.

"Lucy, calm down and explain to us calmly what you mean." Leigh's irate voice seeped into Lucy's ears, causing her to cringe.

Lucy took a deep breath and continued, "Right. Surely you know that Horizon does make health care products? Well, yeah they do. And well, how they a achieve those health care product's is using molecular mutations." She paused, after recieving some looks of disbelief, but never the less continued. " They made this virus. The one in the school that turned everyone into zombies, and they've also made some other virus's. This virus is called Mortos-Vivos, or MV-Infection for short."

"What does Mortos-Vivos mean?" She identified that her Emo friend had asked this question, having spoken for the first time so far. Lucy liked him, he was nicer to her. She think's he even might trust her. She doesn't know his name, but stll they have a bond. He is considerably taller that Lucy is, they again, Lucy is only about 5 foot 4 inches and he was about 6 foot. He was the second tallest of, just behind Luke.

"Well, it means 'Living Dead' in Portuguese. The founder of Horizon was fulent in several different languages, one of them being Portuguese."

"Who was founder?"

"Flint Briggs, he's dead now, thank god."

"Who is running the the comoany now?" Leigh asked.

"Klaus Briggs." Lucy and Alice answered at the same time.



Hello :D This is the new chapter. It's kind of a filler. It also a short chapter, sorry! I have started a new story called 'Folding Stars' Please check it out! It's nothing like Surving School. It's a romance! Also, i am making covers now so if you want one give a shout! Comment, vote and even fan! Thanking you for reading x

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