Chapter 12 - Flip camera and Kick Boxing.

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Surviving School - Book 1 of the Spoken Dead Series.

Chapter 12 - Flip Camera and Kick Boxing.

The duo slowed down after losing sight of Leigh. They just walked together, in silence. Alice broke the undeniable tense by pulling a gadget out of her blazer pocket. This sparked her older companions interest.

"What's that?" He asked with amused eyes. He was still tense, they ere out in the open, no weapons, no support, nothing. He was annoyed with himself for letting things get so heated up between Leigh and Claire. Then Leigh had just disappeared, at least she had a weapon.

"It's a flip-camera." Alice said stopping his train of thought. There was a bright light that shot straight into the emo-boys eyes as she began filming him. He held his had up blocking his face. "Just like Leigh." She said with a sad laugh. She began filming her surroundings, the blood splatter and carnage.

"Why do you have that?"

"Why not? I alway's bring it to school. Me, Leigh, Eliouseand Alex alway's used to go down to the Libar-" She cut her self off and her eyes widened.

"What is it?" Emo-boy looked around the around the area, he heart was beating frantically in his chest. "Did you here a zombie?" Panic set in.

"No, but I know where Leigh went."


"The Library. She alway's used to go there to get away from bullies. It  was her safe haven."

"Let's go then." Emo boy took a tight hold on Alice's wrist and began stomping forward. They walked for a while and that tension returned. The suddenly Alice's slipped on a pool of blood, narrowly missing the ground. Emo-boy grabbed her before she could do any real damage. His arms were around her, she couldn't do anything else but blush. Oh god. she thought I've never been thus close to a boy before. He's so nice and-. Jeez what am I thinking? Were in the middle of hell for god sakes.  He set her down gently.

"Be careful. Thus must mean they are close." He pointed to the blood. He grabbed her hand and pulled her along smoothly. Her feet squelched with blood every time she took a step. There was some rustling and Alice held onto his hand tighter. She was so scared. She wanted to wake up from this nightmare, and be at home. All safe. Her older friend sensed her fear and gave her hand a squeeze.

"Doon't worry. I'll protect you." He said with a wink. Gosh, All he does is flirt. Alyce thought to her self. He let out a nervous giggle and another blush.

Then there was a sound that made her blood freeze over. There was the moaning, and scraping of feet. There they were. The zombies searching for their next meal. They spotted Alyce and her long-haired companion. 

They ran, never looking back. What else could they do?

Then the Library was in their sights. The large heavy doors. The double glazed windows and the iron bars put in place just in case someone wanted to steal a second hand copy of Sense and Sensability.

There was one zombie in there way. Just one. And the others were not far behind. Alice got the whole thing on camera. This would be ground breaking story if they got out alive. Then everyone could no what happened to the people who died here.

The emo-boy told Alice to run to the door and try and open them. She did but feared for him. She zombie began straddling him, trying the take a chunk out of his forearm. He socked the zombie in the jaw. Not very effective, but what the hell. He covered her face up like a boxer would. Alice tried the handle on the door and banged at them frantically. She got one open and called out to her hyped up friend.

He came bounding over just as the zombie's caught sight of them. They went inside leaning heavily on the doors. They thought the undead had dispersed. They were wrong. They banging and snarling was echoing in their ears. They wouldn't let them in.

Eventually the banging stopped and they placed book shelves over the door, a weak blockage but it could stall them.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" Alice asked whilst they continued to put shelves against the door.

"I've done so kick-boxing." He responded with a smirk.

"But, your emo! Your as bad as Leigh." She immediately stopped talking and they began to walk around looking for Leigh.

They had found her. But when they did.  

She was trying to kill herself.


Oh Hia there! Long time no see. How are you? Did you like the chapter. I know kind of a boring chapter but there you go. I like cliff hangers so here is another one. Comment, vote and become a fan if you like my stuff. Thanking you for reading :D

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