bonus scene

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Becca (15 year old)

Raven and I walked into the house hand in hand.

Rio Betende our schools foodball captain was throwing a huge party at his house for his birthday.

Our whole school as well as our neighboring school students were invited.

The whole house was filled with teenagers. Most of them were either drunk or making out with someone. Ugh this is why I hated parties.

The whole house was lit with blue and red lights with only a few white lights. Some teenagers were dancing on the makeshift dancefloor in the corner of the room.

Raven went into the kitchen to get us a drink. I was wearing a pair of black jeans and a red hoodie which said 'kick ass' on top of it.

I have combed my hair back in a ponytail. Raven insisted that I wore makeup but I had refused. But looking around at all the girls here I think I should have put on some makeup.

I fixed my glasses and looked around the room. That was when I cought sight of him. He was sitting on the kitchen counter with his friends surrounding him. Noah Capaldi.

His blonde hair glistened in the red light and his blue eyes which always reminded me of the ocean sparkled. One of his friends said something and he laughed.

Wow. His smile was so beautiful.
In simple words he looked like a Greek god. How could someone be so perfect. All the girls in school wanted to be his girlfriend.

Raven came back and handed me a red cup with coke inside it. She then saw a girl who was in her history class and went to dance with her.

I looked towards Noah again but he wasn't there. I sighed and went out into the patio because I couldn't stand the smell of sweaty teenagers anymore.

If it wasn't quite obvious I have a huge crush on Noah.

The patio was quite deserted except for two couples making out. Gross. J walk towards the pool and sit on one of the long lounge chairs. After a while I feel a presence next to me.

I look up and see Noah sitting next to me. My breath hitched. My heart started beating frantically.

"Hey beautiful." He said winking at me.

Hold on. Noah just called me beautiful. Ahhhhhhh I'm going to faint.

"He..y" I stuttered. This was the first time I was talking to my crush of three years.

"So what's a beautiful girl like you doing hiding here all alone?" He asked smiling at me.

"Parties are not really my thing." I say shyly.

"Why?" He says leaning closer to me.
He looks at my lips and looks back into my eyes.

I go speechless due to how close our faces were. I could feel his warm breath on my cheeks.

I unconsciously leaned closer. He took that as a invitation and kissed me. His tounge pushed into my mouth and our Toungs danced together.

Holy kangaroos. He was an amazing kisser.

But soon he pulled back and wiped his lips.

I don't know how I got the courage and the words which I regretted my whole life slipped out.

"I like you Noah."

He stared at me for a while and started laughing loudly. He cluched his stomach and started laughing.

"Good joke" he said after sobering up.

"I'm serious." My voice sounded a little whiny.

"Your crazy. You think someone like me will like a looser like you. Stop dreaming wierdo." He said.

"But you kissed me." I said defeated.

"Oh it was just a dare from my friends. I would never kiss you on my own will." He said and walked away.

I could feel my heart break inside my chest. I got up and ran out of the house before I could cry. I reached home and then went into my room and shut my door.

That's when the tears started flowing and didn't stop for two days. Later Raven came and I told her everything. She just held me tightly and I cried on her shoulder.

I walked into the hallway towards my art class. I tried to cover my face with my hood as much as I could.

Whole morning people had teased me about Noah and how he had rejected me. All I wanted to do was go home and cry my eyes out. But I didn't want to come out as weak.

As I was walking I felt someone behind me. Before I could turn around. Something cold and liquidy fell on my head. It flowed all over me and drenched me completely. I bought my hands up to see it was completely covered in black paint.

"Loser! Brace face." The guy who porec the paint on me yelled and ran away laughing.

I just sank to the ground and cried.


Hey guys. Someone asked for Noah and Becca scene. And I thought maybe I could explain more what happened between them.

The paint scene is just one example. After many such humiliations Becca decides to leave the school. And Raven being the amazing friend accompanied her.

So yeah. My finals dates are announced. Ugh I'm so stressed. The next three months are going to be hectic.

But I was free today so I thought maybe I should give you guys what I promised.


Thank you guys so much for 1k ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️❤️❤️♥️❤️♥️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️♥️♥️♥️❤️♥️♥️❤️♥️❤️❤️♥️❤️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️💘💘💘💘💓💓💓💓💓💘💖💖💖💖💕💖💕💗

I wish I could hug all of you right now and thank you. This means a lot. I never in my dreams thought somany people will read something I wrote.

I'm sorry if I hurt you guys in anyway and yeah... Thanks you guys and love you thousands ❤️❤️

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