High School Reunion

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Word Count:800

Grian's PoV

The architech meeting was just about done when my communicator went off. I looked down at the contact and yelped. He never called, I thought I'd blocked him any way.

"Sorry, I have to take this."

Mumbo and Iskall (Yes, Mumbo's there) looked concerned when I started trembling as I accepted the call.


"Greeon! Do you know what's going on tomorrow?"


"Look at your calendar." I did, tomorrow was... high school reunion.

"Y-you can't be serious."

"Oh I am very serious, Greeon. You'll be there?" I should've said no, but then he'd come for me. Even if he couldn't get me he could always get Taurtis, that wasn't an option.

"Of course."

"Excellent! See you tomorrow!" As soon as he hung up, I broke into tears. Mumbo ran over to see what was wrong.

"Grian! Are you ok? Who was that?"

"I'm fine. I need to go." I rocketed off before they could question me further. I flew to my base and began preparing for tomorrow. That included updating my will.

Time skip

"Hey X, could you do something for me?..."

"What is it, Grian?"

"I have to do something off-server today. High School reunion, I'll be back sometime tomorrow morning. Could you.."

"I'll set up a portal for you now." He pulled out this communicator and summoned a portal for me to the main hub. I could've made one myself but only Admins are meant to do that without permission, it would be suspicious if I opened one without him but that's not important.

"Thanks, Xisuma. See you tomorrow!" I jumped through the portal and I dissolved particles.

Mumbo's PoV

I called another Sahara meeting hoping that Grian would show up so I could ask (interrogate) him about the end of the last meeting.

"Maybe we should go to his base. I mean, he never misses a meeting and he looked quite upset after that call and he isn't even here."

"You know he's not online right now, right?" I really was a spoon. I didn't even check the 'tabs list'. 

"Maybe he told X where he was going. It might have something to do with the call." And just like that, we were on our way to X's base.

"Shishwammy!" He looked up, I couldn't tell what his expression was through his mask but his tone was cheerful.

"Hi, guys! What brings you here? If this is about trying to get me to shop at Sahara then I'll save you some time-"

"What? No! We were going to ask you if you knew where Grian went. He got a call the other day during a meeting and then he flew off. He was shaking and pale while he talked."

"He went to the main hub for a High School reunion. In fact, he should be back any minute now. The portal will appear on the spawn island soon if you want to meet him."

"Ok then, thanks." We flew to the spawn island where we waited for the portal. We stood around for a few minutes before the portal finally appeared and Grian stumbled out, clutching his side.

"Grian!" He swayed on his feet and I ran forward to catch before he could fall. His sweater was soaked in blood, some parts dried and others fresh. "Grian?" I asked in a smaller voice, "Grian, what happened to you?" He was barely conscious.

"I fine. Sam got staby. I protec." He fell limp in my arms. I could still feel his pulse and I heard him breathing unsteadily, at least still alive.

"Lift his shirt! He needs CPR!" Iskall was tugging at Grian's shirt, trying to pull in off him. I laid him gently on the ground and helped Iskall with his shirt. Once we got his shirt off I saw the stab wound scraping his side. "What happened to him? Quick, call Stress and Doc! They're the best healers on the server."


After a few hours of nervously pacing through Stress's ice castle and a few calming potions, Stress and Doc said Grian was going to make a full recovery. Another day passed and Grian finally started waking up. Once he was well enough to speak he told us everything.

"Do me a favour?" He asked once he finished his story, the only people there, when he told us, was Iskall, Stress, Doc, Xisuma and myself. "Could you keep this between us? I don't really want to tell everyone just yet."

"Of course. We understand completely."

We didn't tell anyone, but at least now that we knew more about his past we knew more about his triggers. He'd been having panic attacks for years, he just hid them really well so no one else ever found out until now.

Le End

Grian Oneshots (Mostly, if not all, angst)Where stories live. Discover now