Happy Birthday, Grian Pt1

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HC+EVO+KoV+YHS. Timeline: KoV, YHS, EVO, HC.

Word Count: 1260

In this AU the watchers are chill. Just imagine a bunch of god-like players having fun and pulling pranks over the servers they watch over. The unspoken rule is that they don't interfere with the players outside of their own sever. Also, EX's real name is Alex or Alexander.

Grian's PoV

<XisumaZoid> Server Meeting. Sahara. Hurry.

Xisuma didn't call a server-wide meeting unless it was really important. He'd never done while I was a hermit. I was among the first to arrive since I was at my base when he called. Ten minutes after I arrived, everyone that could be there was there.

"Ok guys, you need to see this." He led us past the customer area and up to the members-only spot. Once we were outside I saw what he wanted us to see. Beneath the big A in the little desert patch, there was a broken bedrock portal. "I don't know what it is but I saw it when I was flying overhead. Any ideas as to what it could be?"

"Why don't you ask the architechs. It's their building after all." Growled Doc, he was glaring at me suspiciously from the back of the group. I wasn't paying attention though. It was probably just another watcher pulling a prank.

I walked up to the portal to see if they left a note. They did, but it was written in Galactic, naturally. It read "Hey, Grian. I left some gifts on the other side. Happy Birthday! From, Alexander. P.S. I didn't want to leave it on so you have to activate it." Alexander, that fool. He was known notoriously on this server. I was surprised he'd done this.

"Grian! Get away from it, we don't know what it does." Xisuma warned. I laughed at him.

"Relax, Alex just sent an early birthday gift. He's always so overdramatic." I rolled my eyes. X looked at me, confused.

"You know what this is and who sent it?"

"Of course. I was only stuck with him as my roommate for six years." Doc pushed his way to the front.

"I always knew there was something up with you. That right there. That's bedrock. This is impossible, whoever did this is dangerous so therefore you are too. Scar, let's get him to 77."

"Chill out man. Yes, Alex could destroy the server easily but he's very well behaved. Now stand back, I'm gonna activate it and I'm not sure what's on the other side." He grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away. He was strong, I had to tap into some watcher power to keep me there. "Yeah no, I'm not going to Area 77." I pushed him away and began chanting in Galactic. Why not? I would just wipe their memories later.

"Ummm Grian? What are you doing?" I ignored him and finished the incantation. The portal lit up and six figures walked out. It shut off when the last one exited.

I recognised them, I summoned some mist to obscure them from the hermits. I walked into the mist ball to double-check.

Four out of the six of them were short, my height. Only one didn't have my sandy blond hair. Two of them had my blue eyes.

The tallest one had purple eyes. They towered over the rest of us, standing about ten feet tall. There were massive wings on his back, they were brown, like eagle wings. He wore a watcher mask and robes.

The second tallest was grey. He wore my signature red sweater and jeans. His eyes were red and his skin was metal.

Next was a boy cosplaying as Link. He had my blue eyes and blond hair.

Someone who looked exactly like me but with metal plating on his cheks and red eyes. Also wearing my clothes.

A teen, again, he looked like me but he was wearing a blue shirt and black suspenders.

Lastly, a male in a dull red robe and gold trim. The hood was drawn tight around his face but his dirty blonde fringe stuck out. He was holding a wooden staff.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "You can't be here."

The man with the staff spoke up. "I don't know what happened, I went to bed then I woke up here."

"Same," They all said in unison. I sighed and pulled out my communicator. Alex had some explaining to do.

"Well, until I figure out what happened I suppose you'll all be staying here. Follow me, we'll go to the Poultry Cave, I'm sure he won't mind." I tunnelled the mist so they could get to the ocean without being seen.

"One thing, Xelqua." The tallest one faced me. "I need some help with a quick memory wipe. Could you lend a hand?" He nodded, the other walked down the tunnel. Xelqua and I stayed behind, we had other things to do.

Xisuma's PoV

Grian disappeared into the ball of mist that came out of the portal. The others already had their weapons drawn. Mumbo and Iskall looked like they were considering running in to get Grian themselves. Doc and Scar, on the other hand, looked like this was an experiment that had exceeded their expectations.

I heard conversation coming from in the ball but couldn't make out the words. Eventually, the mist moved. It created a tunnel that led towards the ocean.

Finally, the mist cleared completely. Grian was standing next to a giant person. I mean, they were like, 10 feet tall, easily. The hermits tensed but Grian seemed ok. He was laughing with the tall man, what they were laughing about was unknown.

"Grian!" The other architechs moved forward to embrace their fellow business partner but the tall one stepped in their way, blocking their path.

"It's fine, Xelqua. They're friends." Xelqua stepped out of the way to let the friends hug, and they did. "We should do it now, Xelqua. Before I lose my nerve." I was about to ask but before I could open my mouth, everything turned black and I drifted into unconsciousness.

Grain's PoV

Xelqua was good, he cleared everything that would be sus and altered the hermits' memory in an instant.

"They'll wake up soon. We should be going, Grian. The others will be waiting." He grabbed me by my arms and launched into the air with his massive wings. I could have done the same but I wasn't wearing appropriate clothing for flying.

"First things first, I'm Grian, but you're also Grian, and so is him?" 

"Sounds about right. We should get nicknames. Since we're on my server and you've all come to me, I'll be Grian." No one protested.

"I'll be Xelqua then."

One by one, we all decided names for each other. In the end, we had:

KoV: Jimmy

YHS: Taurtis 

NPC Grian: NPG or Grusty

Robot Grian: Robo or Robert

EVO: Link or Evo

Watcher: Xelqua

HC: Grian

(It's a fic, they don't care about the names. This is just for you guys)

"Hey! Wanna prank someone?" I asked.

"Of course!" They all cheered. We got to work, planning the perfect prank for the hermits, they wouldn't know what hit them.

I have more of this, it's is my go-to when I get writers' block so this might become a mini-story rather than a Oneshot.

Thank you for reading my rambles.



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