Happy Birthday, Grian Pt 2

668 17 32


Word Count:1300

Grain's PoV

"What happened?" All the hermits were starting to wake up now. I was hiding behind the warehouse where I could still keep an eye on them but they couldn't see me.

"I don't know." That's my cue. I flew out towards the ocean and flew back from the direction of my base.

"Heelllllllloooo!" I bellowed at them while I circled overhead before I actually landed. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late. What was the meeting about, Eggs-Eye-Zoooma?" I said as I helped him to his feet.

"I thought I saw some bedrock here but when I brought you guys here everything went black and there is no bedrock here."-Xisuma

"Wait, weren't you here when we came up, Grian?"-Doc

"No, I didn't see the message until now so I came over a fast as I could. As for the bedrock, were you talking about the nether portal?" I pointed to the nether portal I'd set up while they were out.

"Since when did we have a nether portal out here."-Mumbo

"I set it up recently since I needed to gather a lot of quartz. I was going to remove it before the next meeting so I didn't mention it."

"Probably, I'm sorry for calling you all out here for nothing."-Xisuma

"It's fine, might have been a visual glitch. Also, when was the last time you slept?"-Grian

"Umm, a few days ago." He looked ashamed.

"Go home and go to sleep. I'll check up on you in a bit and you'd better be in bed or else."

"Fine." After the hermits left I went back to my base to check up on the other Grians


"Hey, Xelqua! How's everything going?"

"No one suspects anything." answered Xelqua proudly, "And Alex is waiting for you."

"Great, maybe I can send you all home sooner than we thought."-Grian

"Aww, can we at least stay long enough to prank the server?"-Evo

"We'll see." I went over to where Xelqua had constructed another watcher portal. "Alexander," I called into it. It lit up and out he walked out.

"Grian! Happy Birthday, man. Did you like your present?" He asked.

"That's why I asked you to come here." I gestured to the other Grians that were hanging around the poultry cave. "Was this what it was meant to be?"

"No, I left a ton of chickens on the other side. One Grian is a handful but seven? I'm surprised the server hasn't exploded from the sheer amount of chaos you guys are generating."-Alex

"So how do I get them back to where they came from?"-Grian

"Did you think I was going to let you deal with all the chickens by yourself? I enchanted the portal to return everything that goes through it back exactly like how it was before after a week or so. It really just depends on how long the author wants this to go on."-Alex

"Oi! No breaking the fourth wall on my watch!"-Grian

"Right, sorry. I say we wait two weeks and if they aren't gone then we'll get some help."-Alex

"Alright, fine. But before you go, we were going to prank the server. Wanna help out?"-Grian

"Is the answer to that ever no? Hell yeah! Why wouldn't I want to help prank my little brother's server."-Alex

Grian Oneshots (Mostly, if not all, angst)Where stories live. Discover now