Hug (Hurt Comfort) (S8)

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I know I said angst but I felt like hugs so I made hugs. Not a ship unless you see it like that. I see it as platonic but you do you I guess.

I don't think I need a trigger warning but self neglect and a tiny bit of scratching to draw blood?

Not proof read!

Grian PoV

I'll admit, I may not have the best habits. I often found myself focusing my entire mind and body on doing a certain task and wouldn't take many breaks while doing so. When I entered this 'hyper focused mode' I would neglect most bodily needs such as eating and sleeping.

This meant that after long project I would usually crash and sleep for a whole day at the most and a few hours at the least before diving back into another project. More often than not I found myself forgetting to take that break entirely.

That was, of course my excuse for not sleeping. In truth I was afraid to sleep because sleep meant dreams, and dreams meant nightmares.

I decided that I finally had enough sand to smelt into glass for my night sky. I pack up my shulker boxes and headed on my way. About half way back, I felt something snap on my back and I was suddenly losing altitude. I realised my elytra had broken mid air, I really needed to start checking the durability of the fake wings before taking off.

Preparing yourself for impact while free falling isn't easy but I managed it. When the ground came up to meet me I was ready and turned my fall into a roll.

That seemed to be the wrong move however, as my vision began fading. I vaguely remembered that I had hyper focused 4 projects without a break before deciding to collect sand for the next one. I sighed as I accepted my fate, crawling to the side of the footpath Bdubs had made and curling into a ball while I waited for the cold feeling of sleep to wash over me despite the fear that would accompany it.

Mumbo's PoV

The HermitCraft sever really was beautiful, especially from horseback. I wanted a fresh take our world so I brought out my company sports horse for the occasion. I might've underestimated how big the sever was though. Night was setting and it was starting to rain, I knew phantoms would be spawning soon and this whole peace love and plants thing made them impossible to deal with. I was ridding through the footpaths looking for anywhere to seek shelter for the night, when I came across an odd little sight.

A cosy, fenced in, pillow area was sitting there on the side of the road. Grian was laid in the middle of all the pillows and blankets. I read the sign on the fence gate before realising what this was.

Sleeping Grian
Do not wake!

Grian must've fallen asleep on the side of the road and another Hermit made him comfortable and safe from mobs. "He wouldn't mind if I stayed here for the night" I thought to myself while I tied my horse to the fence. I slipped off my shoes and jacket and loosened my tie.

I wouldn't say I watched Grian sleep but I was definitely staring at him. He just looked so calm while he was sleeping. Like the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders. I soon found myself lulled to sleep by the soft snores escaping the gremlin's mouth.

I woke to the sound of sobbing, quiet, broken sobbing. I looked over and saw that G had tossed the blanket he had been previously curled in aside. Tears were leaking from his closed eyes. I heard him whimpering and saw his small body tremble. His hands reached up to his neck and scratched until they drew blood. I noticed he was still sleeping, he was having a nightmare!

My first thought was to wake him up and get him to calm down but I knew from experience that Grian wasn't the sharing type when it came to his own emotions. He would more likely try to run away and just get himself hurt from the mobs. Instead I opted to pull him into a hopefully comforting hug. He was so small that I could pick him up and drag him over with one arm.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and my hands completely covered his to stop him from hurting himself any more than he already had. I pushed his head down into my chest so I could tuck him in under my chin. Forcefully moving the smaller mans hands along with mine I made him form a X over his chest to give the best hug I could from this position.

"Don't do that, G," I lightly scolded.

His breath was wild and unhitched but slowly began to even after a few minutes of comforting reassurances and rocking the two of them side to side. It was only when I trusted that he had fallen into a deep enough sleep that he wouldn't try anything again that I released the grip I had on his hands and began to drift back into my own sleep while absentmindedly running my hands through the red sweatered mans hair.

Grian's PoV

I remembered slowly waking from my deep sleep during a nightmare. I was surprised to find that my natural response of hurting myself to help wake me up faster, was interrupted by someone pulling my hand away from my neck and hold them it a tight grasp.

"Don't do that, G," they whispered in my ear.

Whoever was restraining me was either very strong or I was just very weak. They pulled/dragged me over to a warm mass that I could only assume to be their body. I felt a slight pressure around my waist and legs as the person put their legs over mine. They pushed my head into their chest and I felt something resting in my hair.

I heard some statements that assured me that I was safe and they wouldn't hurt me but be there for me. I eventually fell back into a deep sleep, finally feeling safe in my saviours arms.




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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Grian Oneshots (Mostly, if not all, angst)Where stories live. Discover now