chapter 15 - that was dumb

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alicia was shaking. she had to tell nick the truth, even though he probably already knew. "how am i going to do this?!" she exclaimed. she turned around and looked out her window "i got it, nick, we've known each other for a while now and i- NO NO NO that's not good." she said frustratedly. "let's try again.."

i pulled up to alicias house but she didn't answer my texts or calls.
so that could mean a couple of things. 1 - she's sleeping, she's weird... she falls asleep so fast. 2 - she's not by her phone, like she's in the shower or something. but she gave me a key so i should just go in. she won't care.

nick got out his car and unlocked the front door. he looked around and heard nothing. he was going to call out to her but instead he just went upstairs. that's when he heard.

"listen nick.. i don't know how to tell you this. but i love you. i do. and yes i was a fan and of course fans have crushes on famous people- omg alicia what are you talking about?" she facepalmed herself. lmao alicia is facing her window trying to have a pep talk to give to me. i'm gonna let this go, and see what she says.

"okay alicia. okay okay. why the fuck are you so nervous. it's just nick. same old nick. you never get nervous around him. just say it. okay okay." she picked up her pillow that rested on her windowsill  "okay you're going to be my pretend nick okay? alright here goes nothing ahem.." she cleared her throat, took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. "nick, ever since i found out about prettymuch i fell in love with you. just back then i never thought i would be sitting in front of you talking to you about anything. i was lucky. i didn't know that a year or two later i would get the opportunity to get to know you and the guys but i'm grateful. let me get to the point now, nick i'm in love with you. so much. and i try to hide my feelings a lot because i'm not good with them. i don't know how to express them well and it's taking a lot for me to even do this. i may come off as a joke most of the time but i'm not joking about this. brandon was a distraction, i was hurt when you texted me telling me that you were with your ex but i tried my hardest not to show it. i just wanted you to be happy and if that wasn't with me then i had to live with it because i still wanted to be around you." she sighed "that was dumb" she stated. "he'll never feel this way. that was a lot. i wouldn't even know what to say to that" she fell back on her bed and when she opened her eyes she saw an upside down nick.

"AHHHH !!!! what the fuck are you doing here" she held her chest. "you told me to come over..." he stated blankly, yet he was in shock. "well yeah, but why didn't you text me?" she asked "i did. a gazillion times" he brought her bag to the table she had in her room "a thank you would be nice" he said jokingly and he started to take out his food. "are you going to eat or keep looking at me?" he said in a duh tone. "uh huh" she walked over.

"thanks again" she said unwrapping her food. "for you, anytime" he said drinking his smoothie. "out of curiosity..." he nodded his head for her to continue. " much did you hear?" she asked putting her head down. "hmm..." he said wiping his hands. "not much... just the part where you confessed your love for me and then said it was stupid. which i don't think it was." he smiled and she slammed her head down and groaned. "UGHHHH YOU WERENT SUPPOSED TO HEAR THAT." "i figured. but since i did and there's no such thing as time travel. why don't you finish this conversation with me and not your pillow?" he asked getting up and sitting on her bed.

"well nick i-" DING DONG "now who the fuck is that" she wondered. she ran downstairs "i'm coming" and swung the door open. "what the fuck are you doing here" they said at the same time. "i live here?" "i'm here to see my mom?"... alicia sighed "your mom? brandon what the fuck is wrong with you. are you drunk? it's only 6pm" "i'm not drunk. i got a text from my mom. telling me to meet her here at 6:15.. i'm just early i guess. or maybe i have the wrong address." "wait wait wait. what's your moms name..." she asked hesitantly. "gina".....

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" she screamed "alicia get off the floor. why are you so over dramatic" she looked around and realized that she was on the floor and her arms were reaching up to the sky. she dusted herself off and proceeded with the conversation. "are you going to explain or what?" she said. "not that i have to explain anything to you, but i don't have a good relationship with my mom. she told me to meet up with her because she had big news." he said as he pushed past her and sat on the couch. "wow. come right in then." she sarcastically said. "you're acting like i haven't been here before. or that we haven't done anything on this couch-" "UNH UNH. NO NO NO. NO NEED TO RELIVE THAT AGAIN." she groaned and brandon laughed.

"riddle me this though brandon. i haven't seen either one of them since i moved here. so where the fuck are they coming from?" she leaned against the rail of the stairs. "don't know" he shrugged his shoulders and went to the kitchen to get food. she huffed and went upstairs. "OH, DONT TOUCH ANYTHING THAT DOESNT BELONG TO YOU. WHO KNOWS WHERE YOUR HANDS HAVE BEEN!" she yelled downstairs "MY HANDS HAVE BEEN ALL OVER. YOU SHOULD KNOW" he responded and she slammed her door.

"who was that?" she quickly turned around. "nickkkk i forgot you were here. i'm so sorry for leaving you up here for so long." he shrugged "it's fine. i just got nervous when you were screaming but i now know that you're good so i'm good. but who was that" he asked cleaning up the mess that they made. "it was brandon" she said quietly.

nick dropped all of his items in his hands and got heated "what the fuck is he doing here? why did you let him in?" he said angrily. "long story. but not because i wanted him here, trust me." she said nonchalantly. "also. you might meet my dad today if you're down for that." she looked over at nick who was looking out her window with his arms crossed.

"nick" "hm" "nickk" "hmm" "NICK" "WHAT" he yelled "stop being mad at me. it will all make sense later. are you going to stay?" she said. "the fuck. of course i'm staying. i don't trust brandon." he said looking back at her. "ooookay then." she undressed and put on pajamas and when she looked up nick was in the same stance. "you can take a picture you know. it would last longer." "shiiit say less" he said beginning to take out his phone "nickkkk" she ran over to him and hugged him "damn girl i knew you loved me but shit" he joked. which caused her to look up at him "don't make me take it all back nick mara." "i'm sorry. also alicia..." he said looking down at her "yeah nick" "i love you too."


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