chapter 28 - ready?

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alicia slammed brandon's door. and walked into her house. when she turned the corner into the living room. she saw her father, brandon's mom, and her mother sitting on the couches talking. "mom?" alicia was confused yet excited. alicias mom was just like her and will understand her better than her dad will. honestly, alicia didn't want to even stay with her dad in the first place, but her mom thought it would be a good idea.


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"heyyyyy." her mom came over and gave her the most comforting hug. "what are you doing here? let me guess they called you and overreacted?" alicia asked walked to the kitchen. "actually yes. and you know me. i would've been going off. but i can't trust them and what they say. so tell me what's been happening."  her mom responded.

"well.." alicia was interrupted by brandon coming in the house with red eyes. "MIJOOOOO QUE PASO." gina asked as she ran up to him. "please. no half assed relationship shit now please. i can't do it."  he said as sulked up the stairs.

"there's nothing to talk to her about, jennifer. she disrespected me and gina. i don't tolerate it. she needs to go live with you." bryce spoke up. jennifer turned around to him. "okay she can, if it's such a problem. alicia you good with that?" she turned back around to face alicia who wasn't there. then all of a sudden she is down the stairs with every valuable item she owns.

"ready?" she asked her mom. and with that they walked out. her mom had her packing her truck with all of her items. jennifer was inside finishing up everything with alicias dad, getting paperwork, and it wouldn't be jennifer if she didn't let them have a piece of her mind. at this point, alicia was finished now. just putting the finishing touches making sure everything went inside. she closed the trunk and looked at the house, she sighed. "this is what's best for me." she reached for the door handle when a voice called out to her. "alicia WAIT." she looked to her left and saw nick jogging towards her.

"nick? what's up.." he came and kissed her "i just needed to let you know." she looked down and a tear escaped her eye. "let me know now." she stated. "i still love you. i waited too late. i'm not asking you to take me back because that's too much. just.. don't forget about me..okay? that's all i ask." nick grabbed her hand and leaned in again. this time they were stopped.

"alicia? what is going" alicia knew the voice she just didn't want to face it. she looked in the direction where the voice came from. brandon looked down and shook it off. "goodbye." he said walking to his car. "brandon wait please don't leave things like this." alicia said voice beginning to crack. "like what? i told you not to give up and you did. there's nothing i can do now. i can't keep trying with someone who can let something go so easily. and you're still stuck in your past. please move out my way."

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