chapter 16 - whos fault is that?

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the time was now 6:15. alicia, nick, and brandon all sat downstairs. brandon sat across from the two who were cuddling on the couch. "so um.. can y'all not?" he asked. this caused alicia and nick to simultaneously turn their heads to him. "can you not what?" alicia asked annoyed. "do all that coupley stuff? do you realize what is happening?" "no brandon i don't, but this is my house, which means if i want to cuddle with my boyfriend. that shouldn't be a problem" she rolled her eyes. "oh so you two are dating now huh?" he asked and nick responded with "yeah and what about it?"

"nothing i just find it funny" brandon smirked. brandon and alicia caught each other's eyes. "the fuck is so funny about it, b?" nick asked, he unwrapped himself from alicia and became focused on brandon who was starting to piss him off actually. alicia shook her head at brandon who smirked at her again, "nah man i'm just playing with you, look at you 'the fuck is so funny about it,b' had you all types of mad" he got up and went into the kitchen.

nick asked alicia, "what the fuck is going on. why are you two hiding something" "we aren't hiding anything?" nick rolled his eyes and took out his phone and began scrolling on it. he moved away from alicia and got into his little angry mood but alicia didn't mind. what she did care about though is if, her ex brandon is related to her. that's what matters.

the front door to the house began to open, and revealed alicia's dad.

he came in and dropped his bags off

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he came in and dropped his bags off. "alicia?" he looked around and sees her on the couch with nick... well next to nick. "who the fuck is that?" he asked. "oh hey dad, this is nick my boyfriend.." she stood up as well as nick. nick came around and put out his hand, "nice to meet you sir". alicia's dad gave him a mean mug for about 20 seconds leaving nick super worried. "nahhh i'm just fucking with you. it's nice to meet you, you can call me bryce." he shook nick's hand and he released all the tension with in his body.

"ay, bryce you're not going to help me?" she entered with a little bag with a chihuahua in it. yeah i know. anyways. she entered in. this lady didn't look more than 35 so how did alicias dad get with her? no clue.

 this lady didn't look more than 35 so how did alicias dad get with her? no clue

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"sorry son, i'll be back" bryce ran back out to the car. "oou what a small house" she said as she looked around. "girl what? we live in 6 bedroom house that has three living rooms and a theatre?" alicia laughed. "mija, i live here, don't you think i know" she said while letting her chihuahua out the bag.

just then brandon came out the kitchen. "so are you going to tell us why we are here or no?" he stated rudely. "no 'hola mama' nothing? tsk tsk tsk i taught you better than that brandon" she shook her finger at him. "no but seriously what the fuck is going on😃" alicia asked retaking her place with nick on the couch, who was surprisingly in a better mood. "yo watch your mouth" the front door slammed.

"okay the reason you two were called here was because" bryce started but gina interrupted "WE ARE GETTING MARRIED" brandon and alicia's jaws dropped. "so-so he's going to be my stepbrother" "and this devil is going to be my stepsister" he asked. "do y'all know each other or... i'm sensing some unresolved issues" bryce pointed out. nick was sitting on the couch while the family was having the conversation.. he didn't feel like this was his situation to have a say. but he did add this, "if you guys want i can go, i get it's a family matter". gina came over to nick and checked him out. "ay papi where are you going" brandon facepalmed himself, bryce dapped him up "it was nice meetin you nick, hopefully i see you around more often." alicia walked nick out.

"i am so sorry. i know she's like that, it's just been a while since i last saw her i thought she'd be out of that weird shit." nick grabbed her waist and brought her close "it's okay ma, don't worry i'm all good. i think your dad liked me!" he squealed at the last part. "yeah he does, he's really chill just don't get on his bad side you know but yeah other than that he's cool asf" she stated fixing his hair. "alicia, i'm sorry that you and brandon are going to be siblings. it must be tough.. especially because that's your ex. but ima be here through it all. i have to go right now though, the guys need me." he said caressing her face. "okay mara, i'll see you soon. text me so i know you're safe okay?" he kissed her "of course. love you" she began to pull away "love you too"

alicia went back inside. everyone was sitting at the kitchen island. "so how haven't i met alicia before? you guys have been together for years" brandon asked "alicia used to live with her mom and she would only come when you were with your dad brandon" bryce started. "to be honest, i've seen brandon before. maybe once or twice when we were little but those were really bad times for me" alicia spoke "bryce come get your daughter, she's being overdramatic again" gina rolled her eyes "shut up gina, damn. where have y'all been though. i haven't seen you in months. you missed my 18th birthday and brandon's 21st" alicia said "how did you know brandon was 21?" bryce asked. "we caught up while waiting for you two. brandon and i got to know each other like we were besties"



"hey uh. thanks for lying back there" brandon said looking out her window. "yeah it's fine" alicia was scrolling through her phone. "can we talk alicia... please" alicia became annoyed and put her phone down. "what. what could you possibly what to talk about?" brandon sat next to her on the bed. "i'm sorry i ruined things. i'm sorry i hurt you. i don't do well with my emotions and that's why it was hard for me to say it on the phone."

"it's fine brandon. we both got we want. i'm with nick and you're with maggot." she stated fiddling with her fingers. "uh nick.. right. you are with nick.... fuck it. no that's not what i want." brandon turned to face her. "i want to be with you. to make you happy. we are endgame. so whatever the fuck you have with's just a distraction because baby you know you can't get me out your head." "brandon... what the flick fuck are you talking about. i'm dating nick. you had the opportunity with me and you fucked it up. who's fault is that?"

brandon came over and grabbed her face and she pushed him away, the door opened "get the fuck out my house brandon" she yelled. they both looked out the door to reveal nick.

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