chapter 30 - take the damage

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"so.. we are here. why?" nick asked. "it's peaceful and we can talk." alicia responded. "i thought you had a flight to catch." nick asked looking down at the city. "no. i mean i thought so too until my mom told me when i hopped in the car. then i figured i talk to you." nick looked over "so? what's up ma" "is it bad to make mistakes? i felt that in the span of months i made so many. the biggest one i could've ever made was not working it out with you."

"alicia, there's no need to do this. all is forgiven if you forgive me. i've done a lot of messed up shit. and i'm truly sorry for that. i just want to know if we can have another chance." nick spoke softly as if this was a touchy subject for him, he never shows his emotions. "we can. if it's okay with you." alicia said looking down.

"of course it's good with me. i've been waiting for you to be ready to get back with me. i know i was the one who said we needed a break but i think that break really gave us the opportunity to see how much we really mean to each other.""you're right. i'm sorry for even freaking out. i have the tendency to do that sometimes." "alicia youre fine. we are fine. don't worry." he kissed her.


alicia and nick made their relationship official but wanted to keep it personal at first. some how...brandon found out later on that night.

text messages

brandon >>> you really moved on that quickly?

alicia <<< ?

brandon >>> i know you're dating nick again. did anything that happen between us mean anything to you?

alicia <<< brandon. please. when i wanted to have this conversation with you in person you brushed me off. don't text me now trying to get closure.

brandon >>> there's my answer.

brandon blocked alicia

alicia sat there in her bedroom at her mother's house, confused. brandon had honestly been the best boyfriend ever. and if it was for the fact that they're going to be siblings or even that she ultimately loves nick more then... they could've been forever. but not all things last forever. all good things must come to an end?

nick laid faced up on his bed. he was trying to process everything that had happened within the last 12 hours. simone and alicia and fought, alicia and brandon broke up, alicia moved out her fathers house, alicia had talked to him, and now they're a couple again. he should be ecstatic... but the feeling isn't there. he should be jumping with joy but... he's not. reflecting on it..he realizes that alicia really isn't worth it. and as much as he loved her, he wasn't going to let her indecisiveness hurt him again. he contemplated if he should do what's best for him or if he should let his heart take the damage.




"oh um..why?"

"huh? what makes you think that id"


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