chapter 29 - i love you

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alicia reached out for brandon. "brandon please..." he jerked out the way before she could touch him. "no. you know what, have a good life. thank you for the memories that's all they'll ever be. goodbye." brandon got in his car and drove off. nick stood there awkwardly, "now as much as i'd be cheering. i'm not i feel really bad." "don't. it's fine. what did you want to tell me?" she asked wiping tears. nick came closer and kissed her forehead. "just don't forget abt me. i'll see you soon, maybe we can try this again." he shrugged.

alicia looked up at him who was smiling his toothy smile. "nick." "yeah?" he looked concerned. she smiled at him which he returned. she leaned up and kissed him which lasted a while. "jesus alicia, your life is basically a movie." her mom said coming out the house. "i just interrupted something didn't i?"

nick laughed and alicia responded, "no mom it's fine." her mom walked to the car and got in and started it. "nick, i'm going to miss you. i'm not going to forget about you. i love you so much. i have a bad way of showing it sometimes and i need to work on that but i know without a doubt that i love you." "i love you too. i'll see you soon alicia." nick began to walk away and loosened his grip on her hand.

alicia got into the car with her mom and exhaled. "i didn't want to interrupt you again but uhm, you aren't going far." her mom started. alicia was confused. "i only live 10 or 15 minutes from here." alicias mouth dropped open "YOU WHAT" her mom shook her head. alicia looked out the mirror and saw nick approaching his car and bolted out the car. "nick. NICK WAIT"

nick turned around as alicia approached him, "let's go." nick laughed in disbelief "alicia what are you talking about? go where? don't you have a flight?" alicia hugged him "huh. your emotions are so scattered" he hugged back. alicia unlocked the car door and got in the passenger seat.

nick looked in "alicia what are you doing." "nick, let's go to the mountains." nick shook his head "unh unh. only if you explain" alicia groaned "i'll explain when we get there. now come on so we can watch the sunset" "alright fine calm down"

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