chapter 20 - bye ali

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after 30 minutes of nick speeding, he finally made it to her location. he was in a sketchy neighborhood and when he drove there in his charger (idk. seems like a nick kinda car) everyone on their porches looked admiringly, questionably, and hesitantly. he parked right out side spencer's house. nick was wearing sweats, a white tee shirt, his red jordan 1s, and a yankees hat. he walked up to spencers door and banged on it.

"yo homie don't be banging on my door like that" spencer said as he opened the door. once he saw who it was, he looked him up and down and laughed. nick was seeing red. but he was only going to start something if he needed to. he didn't need alicia to be mad at him. "ali yo wigga here" spencer said hopping over the couch taking his place back next to simone.

alicia came out of spencer's room with a shirtless jordan. "what the fuck is this?" nick yelled. he looked between jordan and alicia. alicia looked from his perspective. "OH NO. NO NO this isn't what it looks like. i promise." she said desperately. "ayo y'all need to take all that noise outside. we tryna watch something" simone said with an attitude. jordan laughed "look bro. i don't see her that way. alicia is like my lil sis. chill the fuck out." he walked away

nick pulled alicia outside. "alicia what the fuck is this?" "nick what are you talking about?" "you never told me you were going to a party today, you have a new group of friends all of a sudden. and obviously the spencer guy likes you. but nah you too busy not paying attention" nick looked down the street. "nick i've been friends with them since i got here, you're overreacting. nothing happened. nothing WILL happen. i understand that this might look like something but it's not." alicia said bringing his face to look at hers.

"yeah but if i was hanging out with edwin and two other girl "friends" who were flirting w me you'd feel some kind of way right? right." "spencer isn't flirting with me nick. we are just friends. he knows i'm dating you." nick looked at her with anger. "let's go, don't say anything in the car. go tell your little friends goodbye. don't make me wait" nick walked away from her and started towards his car.

alicia smiled to herself knowing what's about to go down when she gets to nick's. she walked back to the door. everyone was in the same spot. "yo little boyfriend calm now or what?" simone asked. "yeah he is. spence don't do anything else dumb." spencer threw his hands up in defense. "i gotta go you guys" alicia said backing into spencer's room to get her bag. "so you leaving because your nigga told you to?" spencer was leaning against his door frame with his arms crossed.

"spence.." she turned around. "nah nah, i'm just fuckin around. i just didn't think you'd leave so soon that's all." he said not breaking the eye contact. "hey hey hey don't make me feel guilty" she smiled at him. she walked toward him and hugged him. "bye ali" "bye spence". spencer walked alicia to the door and waved to her when she got in nick's car.

you already know what happened when they got home

alicia was out of breath and nick was laying here breathing heavily. "alicia" "yes" "i'm sorry" "it's okay nick. you're not in the wrong. it was me too" " many things ran in my head when you told me you were at his house. i automatically assumed the worst. and i'm sorry. i trust you. i just don't trust him. i don't fucking know him. and he was flirting with you. i don't know." alicia kissed his cheek and laid her head on his chest.

soon later, alicia and nick were drifting asleep when she muttered, "nick" "mhm" "i love you" nick's eyes shot open. he smiled his toothy sharky smile and responded "i love you too alicia" he flipped her over and began kissing her all over her face. she smiled sleepily. he made his way down to her neck, starting his actions all over again. he looked up at her and admired her sleepy state. and kissed her lips once more.

2 chapters because i might update late 🥲
okay okay but if you watch all american.... (spoiler kinda)
spencer and olivia (alicia's faceclaim) chemistry is so unmatched it's crazy. they are so cute togetherrr... even though they aren't together.
if you don't watch all american. you should. start on netflix. seasons 1+2 are on there and season 3 are on the cw app and the show is returning on april 12.

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