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Kamino: 23 BBY
Simulation Room

    Axe rolled beneath a plasma bolt and snatched a discarded blaster. He fired at two simulated pirates, taking them down with a single shot. Hammer crouched next to him, blasting at pirates left and right.

    Axe scanned the simulated battlefield rapidly. This simulation was an advanced one, complete with augmented reality. While the simulation was active, the room looked like a location on the planet Felucia. As soon as the simulation ended, it would go back to being an empty room filled with built in terrain. Their objective was to take back a command post. Pirates had overrun a Felucian supply base situated atop a cliff. The only way up was to climb several massive Felucian mushrooms.

    A grenade sailed through the air. Rigger appeared out of nowhere, tackling Axe to the ground. The explosive detonated not far from them. "Tazer and Clutter have taken down the left flank as you ordered," his brother reported.

    "That just leaves these sleemos," Hammer growled.

    The three of them leaped to their feet and took down several pirates. One evaded the attack and came running at Axe. He slid past the Weequay. Axe kicked his foot into the back of the pirate's knee. The pirate whirled, swinging his sword towards him. Axe blasted his wrist and the pirate's hand fell off. He grabbed the sword and drove it through the Weequay's chest.

    Tazer and Clutter were nearing the mushrooms. Axe waved Rigger forward. Rigger leaped onto a mushroom and waited. Hammer jumped up behind him. The two of them leaned down and hauled Axe up beside them. They began working their way up cautiously.

    No pirates came from behind, but Axe could hear them overhead. "Tazer, Clutter, what's your position?" He hollered over his comm.

    "We're almost to the top. We're holding the pirates back," Tazer answered.

    "You mean you're holding them back," Clutter grumbled. "Leave some for me!"

    "Take your shots before I do."

    Axe rolled his eyes and tuned them out. He scrambled up a mushroom and the two clones appeared. A pirate squad advanced towards them.

    Rigger elbowed him, a shock grenade in hand. "What do you say, Brother? Can we use one of our precious explosives now?"

    "All right, fine."

    Rigger let out a whoop and chucked the grenade towards the pirates. It bounced over the mushrooms before detonating. The pirates crumpled, blue electricity jolting through them. Tazer and Clutter stood.

    They reached the two clones quickly. "We're almost to the top. We just have to make it up to the base and take out the squads there and we'll pass this assessment," Hammer said.

    Axe glanced at Rigger. His helmeted head tilted up, eyeing the base. "I'm not so sure about this," Rigger murmured.

    "It's just a simulation, Rig. You'll be fine. It's not like you'll actually fall and break your neck," Clutter chuckled.

    "We can't sit here any longer. Let's go." Axe stood but Tazer brushed ahead of him, as usual.

    The final mushroom was taller than the others. The base towered over it. "Ascension cables," Axe ordered.

    He clipped his cable to his blaster. Axe took aim and fired. The cable embedded itself in the mushroom. It began drawing him up slowly. Hammer was right beside him. Clutter as well. Tazer was drawing ahead of the group once more and Rigger seemed to have fallen behind.

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