The Hoth Heist

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Hoth: 21 BBY
Miser's Canyon
Commander Axe

    Outside of the cave, Rigger and Patch dismounted before leading their tauntaun's inside. "Hey, Commander. How does it feel to fly?" Rigger asked. He let the tauntaun go and she settled down on the floor.

    "Um, painful," Axe replied. Rigger strode over and punched him in the arm. Axe yelped in shock.

    "How's that for pain? Don't you ever do that again, Brother," Rigger demanded with a hint of a threat in his tone.

    Axe caught Patch and Irel's smirks. He raised his hands defensively. "It's not like I tried to fall off a cliff."

    "Or get mauled by a wampa," Irel added.

    Rigger roughly turned Axe's head and looked at his neck, where his wounds were healing. "You're lucky the general came after you, or you would have been dinner."

    "Yes, thank you for that obvious update," Axe sighed.

    Irel cleared her throat. "We need to take care of that compound. The sooner we get off Hoth, the better."

    "Right." Rigger tapped a few buttons on his wrist cuff and a projection of the compound appeared. "So we had R3 run a scan of the caves and the compound and you were right. There is a way up to the compound through the cave. The plan is to sneak up to the compound through the cave and plant charges all around the base. We also need someone up top planting charges on the transmitters. Once we're all clear, boom. The whole thing goes."

    "How far will we have to go through the cave?" Axe asked. Irel gave him a look that he couldn't quite interpret.

    "All the way. According to R3's scans, there is a back exist through one of the hills behind the compound," Patch replied.

    "That sounds like a solid plan to me," Irel said. "Did you bring the charges?"

    Rigger patted the bulging satchel on his tauntaun and Patch motioned to his own. "We've got plenty," Rigger smirked.

    "What are we waiting for, then?" Axe asked.

    "Hold on, Axe. I'm not convinced you should be coming with us," Patch interrupted. "Your injuries are..."

    "Healing fine. Honestly, Patch, look at me." Axe held his arms out and rotated. "I'm just a little sore."

    Patch shook his head. "I still don't think..."

    Irel held up a hand and Patch fell silent. "It's all right. I'll keep an eye on him." She fixed a stern green gaze on Axe. "If you push yourself too hard, I am not carrying you back to the Zelera."

    Axe's eyes widened at the thought. "I think I'll be fine, General."

    Irel shook her head, but Axe caught the faint glimmer of a smile. "All right. Let's go then."

    Rigger and Patch hopped onto their tauntauns. Patch held a hand down and helped Irel up behind him. Rigger clasped Axe's hand and pulled him up. They did a quick sweep of the cave to make sure they'd gotten everything, before descending deeper into the icy cavern.

    "Are you sure you're all right?" Rigger asked as Patch and Irel moved on ahead.

    "I'm fine. Ire...the General got to me in time."

    "You know, if you want to say her name, just do it. I'm not going to judge you for not calling her General all the time. She probably gets tired of it, too," Rigger pointed out.

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