To Catch A Criminal

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Geonosis: 20 BBY
Stalgasin Hive
Commander Axe

    Axe picked at the cuffs locked around his wrists. They had successfully taken the hive and he had been moved into one of the Geonosian cells, awaiting the generals. Axe gritted his teeth against the anger that threatened to spill out.

    He glanced up as the cell door hissed open. General Tiin and General Krell entered the cell, followed by a few clones. General Tiin sat down across from him. His expression was confused and disappointed.

    "Don't make this harder than it has to be, Saesee," General Krell said. "Tell him what the decision was."

    General Tiin shot Krell a dark look. "Your decision. There will be no formal decision made until he has been questioned."

    "Then I will question him myself," Krell stomped towards him. Axe raised a defiant gaze towards him. "Why would you kill your fellow clone? Were you jealous? Perhaps he wronged you."

    "I don't answer to you," Axe hissed. General Tiin gave him a warning look. Axe crossed his arms and leaned back. "I'll answer to my general."

    "Insubordinate clone." Krell raised a fist towards Axe. General Tiin stood between them.

    "Master Krell, I'll speak with him alone." Krell gave Axe a hard look and headed out of the cell. The other clones followed him out. General Tiin faced him again. "Why did you do it?"

    Axe shook his head. "I didn't."

    "Master Krell watched you."

    Axe lowered his face into his hands for a moment. "Why would I kill my own brother?"

    "That's what you need to tell me."

    He met General Tiin's gaze. "I'll speak with my general. You aren't going to listen to me."

    "Irel hasn't been cleared yet and we're required to make a decision."

    "Then make it. I hope you can live with yourself if you make the wrong choice."

    General Tiin sighed and stepped out of the cell, letting the door shut. His footsteps receded quickly. Another set approached. "We'd like to see the commander." He didn't look up to see who it was.

    "Leave your weapons and comms outside," the clone guarding him ordered. There was a small clatter as the visitors obeyed. The cell door opened and two sets of feet entered the cell.

    "Giving up already?" Veres asked.

    "Nah, he's just planning his escape," Rigger replied. Axe smiled a bit.

    "What happened?" Veres asked as they sat down across from him.

    "I don't know. One minute Gizer was in my grip and the next..." he shook his head at the memory. "Krell made me drop him."

    "Everyone else who saw it said he was trying to stop you." Axe gave him a sharp look. Veres raised his hands. "I believe you. I'm just saying...the others probably won't."

    "We have to be there when the generals make their decision," Rigger said. "If you won't talk, I think you know what that decision will be."

    "I told them I'd talk to Irel."

    "There's no way to reach her. Communications won't make it to Coruscant without bouncing the signal off another planet and I don't think Krell will let you get anywhere near a transmitter," Veres pointed out.

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