A Joyous Occasion

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Junalli: 19 BBY
Zunja Territory
Irel Kirsi

    Four days had passed since Irel had begun to recover. The first two days, she had spent sleeping. On day three, Saji had taken her out into the rain for a while. Today, Irel was sitting outside the house, wrapped in a colorful blanket. Across the square, younger members of the tribe had gathered around Ziyah as she told them stories about the battles she had fought on Geonosis.

    Irel smiled softly to herself, as Ziyah leaned over and tickled one of the children. Rigger stood behind them, adding in a few forgotten details every now and then. Axe appeared beside her, sitting down. He followed her gaze towards Ziyah.

    "She loves it here," he noted.

    "So do I." Irel glanced at him. "I imagine we'll be leaving soon?"

    "Whenever you're ready. I contacted Admiral Westley yesterday. He said their mission with General Skywalker was called off. They were rerouted to Felucia to aid General Secura for a while."

    Irel sighed, pulling the blanket around her tighter. The rain had stopped but dark clouds and a cool breeze filled the jungle. "I wish I could just stay here forever."

    "I know, but now that Ziyah is here..."

    "I can't leave her. I won't. She's like a daughter to me," Irel replied. "I need her and she needs me. Even if staying with her means staying in the Order, I will." She eyed him curiously. "What will you do when the war is over?"

    "Me?" Axe crossed his arms and grinned cockily. "I'm staying with you. Someone has to keep you out of trouble."

    Irel smiled and laughed. "I'm not sure how that will be manageable, but I'll do my research." She furrowed her brows. "It's strange, but being here has really deepened my connection to the Force."

    "Is that good or bad?"

    "I'm not sure. Something feels off. I can't describe what. It's like there's something building up and that any minute, it'll explode in our faces."

    "Well, as long as it's nothing that will do any harm to you, Ziyah, or my brothers," Axe shrugged. They settled into a comfortable silence for a few minutes before Axe spoke again. He seemed almost hesitant. "Do you think...have you..."

    "Yes?" She prompted.

    Axe shook his head. "I don't know. There's just been something bothering me lately."

    "What is it?"

    "The Chancellor. There's just something about him that feels strange to me."

    Irel raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

    "How he seems to know about everything that's happening in the galaxy. The fact that he keeps tabs on certain Jedi...and clones. How close he is to General Skywalker," Axe listed. "I don't know how to explain it, really. I just get a strange feeling whenever I'm around him."

    "Maybe it's just his authority?" Irel suggested. "I mean, clones were...taught...to notice and respect authoritative figures within the Republic." Axe shot her a grateful smile.

    "Yeah, that could be it, I guess."

    Across the square, the children were dispersing. Ziyah and Rigger headed over as the last of the kids left. "Lihol said he wants to teach me how to ride a voel," Rigger said, turning to Axe. "Care to help?"

    "I wouldn't miss this for the world!" Axe jumped to his feet. "Just wait until you fall off."

    "Ha! I'm not the one with a track record of falling off things. In fact, hasn't the General had to rescue you several times because you fell off something?" Rigger stroked his chin, smirking.

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