A Pirate's Practice

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Coruscant: 19 BBY
Senate Building
Irel Kirsi

Irel, Ziyah, and Axe milled around the Chancellor's office. Master Skywalker and Captain Rex were still there as well. Master Yoda and Master Windu had already returned to the Temple, to fetch Saesee and Katooni.

The door hissed open and more senators walked in, crowding around Master Skywalker. Irel grabbed Ziyah's arm and pulled her to the side. "What's so amazing about him?" Ziyah muttered as she dodged around Senator Orn Free Taa.

"He's Anakin Skywalker," Irel replied.

"His captain doesn't seem to be enjoying the attention," Axe noted. Even hidden beneath his helmet, it wasn't hard to envision the awkward expression that Rex wore.

"Would you like it either?"

"Not at all."

"There you are!" Riyo exclaimed, pushing through the other senators. Padmé was close behind her. "We've been looking for you. Why haven't you left yet?"

"We're waiting on someone else to join us before leaving," Irel replied. "Master Windu told us to stay here until they arrive."

"I've only been here a few minutes and I want to leave," Riyo laughed. "Being in the Seat is a lot different than being surrounded in a room."

"It looks like General Skywalker is plenty occupied," Padmé noted. Irel caught a hint of dismay in her voice.

"Isn't he always?" Riyo faced Padmé, curious. "Speaking of which, how did you meet him? You've been friends for a long time."

"We met when I was Queen of Naboo," Padmé explained. "Our ship was damaged when we tried to escape the Federation Blockade and we ended up on Tatooine. The shop we went to for parts was the same one Anakin worked at as a slave."

Irel raised her eyebrows, glancing at the powerful Jedi Knight. Anakin Skywalker was a slave? That actually explains a lot. She had already lost where Padmé was in the story, so she continued to look around the room.

"Wait, what?" Axe exclaimed suddenly. Irel pulled her attention back immediately. "General Krell is dead?"

Padmé nodded. "Master Skywalker said that his clones found out that General Krell had committed treason against the Republic numerous times. It took them a long time to catch him, and they ended up having to kill him."

Irel put a hand on his shoulder for a moment, sensing how his thoughts shifted towards Gizer. After a few moments, Riyo and Padmé shifted the conversation towards a different topic. A familiar red headed woman approached them quickly, waving. Irel stifled a groan and smiled instead.

    "Lady Hasco," Padmé said, acknowledging her.

    "Senator Amidala, Senator Chuchi," Meiju smiled to them both. She began to rattle off several of the large votes she had attended recently, with Padmé and Riyo listening politely.

    Ziyah leaned over, whispering. "You don't seem to like her very much."

    "She's...difficult occasionally," Irel replied.

    "She seems to like Axe an awful lot." Irel glanced over, gritting her teeth.

    Meiju had moved closer to Axe and was intently trying to speak with him. He replied politely, but awkwardly. Axe glanced across the room and spotted Captain Rex heading out the door. "Um, sorry, but uh...the Captain and I had something to do." Axe bolted out the door and ducked out of sight.

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