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Junalli: 18 BBY
Zunja Territory
Irel Kirsi

Irel leaned over the tiny crib, making faces at her infant son. He kicked his legs, giggling. She glanced out the window, sighing deeply. Life on Junalli had been strange for the first while. She had been through so much and was slowly coming out of it.

Ziyah had grown into herself as well, finding friends among the younger Zunja warriors. She had already participated in a Pteulj hunt, earning herself a new beaded dress to wear to the next celebration. Irel was certain Tavor would appreciate it.

She let her hand down into the crib and Eron grabbed one of her fingers, pulling on it. She smiled, the same wistful thought rolling through her mind. "You look so much like your father," she murmured. "I wish he could see you."

    The door of her hut flung open and Saji entered, breathlessly. "You have to come, now."

    Irel leaped to her feet. "What is it? Did something happen on the hunt?"

    "Just come on." Irel glanced back at Eron. His eyelids fluttered and he yawned. "He'll be fine for a few seconds. Come on." Saji grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the hut.

    Up ahead, Irel spotted Ziyah, Lihol, Chief Aeito, and Miejuel gathered together. "What is it?" She called as they approached.

    Ziyah's face beamed and they stepped aside. Irel gasped, her knees buckling. Axe rushed towards her and gathered her into his arms. Veres laughed beside Ziyah. Axe grinned, wiping some of the tears from her cheeks. She hadn't even noticed when they began to fall.

    "How...what...you're alive?" Irel exclaimed.

    "Yeah, I'm alive," he whispered against her. He pulled her to her feet, wrapping an arm around her waist.

    "How? What happened?" Irel glanced between him and Veres in shock.

    "I found Axe right after you took off. He was barely alive so we let you go and got him to a medical center. As soon as Axe was stable, they sent him back to Kamino and I was sent to Coruscant," Veres explained.

    "The Chancellor absolved the Republic and proclaimed himself Emperor of the new Galactic Empire. I don't know if there are any other surviving Jedi," Axe added.

    "How did you wind up here?" Ziyah asked.

    "I went to Kamino as soon as I heard that Axe was fully recovered and we guessed where you had gone. We came as soon as we could, without being noticed," Veres said.

    Saji cleared her throat and gave Irel a pointed look. "Explain it in detail later," Irel said. She grabbed Axe's hand. "Come with me." She pulled him along towards her hut.

    "You have our symbol," he noted, gazing at the mark on her shoulder.

    "Permanently now. Ziyah and I had them tattooed on." Irel pushed open the door, pulling Axe inside. His gaze went straight towards the crib. Irel smiled and went over to it, scooping up Eron.

    Axe smiled, his eyes softening. Irel slid Eron into his arms. Axe blinked back tears. "I never thought I'd get to see either of you," he whispered.

    She leaned her head against his shoulder. "His name is Eron."

    "He's perfect." Axe glanced at Irel, his gaze softer than she had ever seen it before. Without another thought, she pressed her lips against his.

    "I love you," she whispered, drawing away.

    "I love you too. Both of you." His gaze slid back down to Eron. The baby blinked his eyes open, yawning. "He's going to have your eyes," Axe said. "I know it already."

    Irel laughed. "Come on. We have a lot to talk about." She took Eron and they stepped outside. She smiled, glancing at him. Whatever came next, they would face together. She would make sure that the war had not been in vain. The Empire would fall, and they would help restore the Republic.

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