New Arrivals

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Ryloth: 21 BBY
Separatist Outpost
Commander Axe

    The outpost was quiet, save for the occasional rumble of moving tanks. Axe had sent several troops off to secure the numerous Twi'lek villages and drive off the last of the droids. Above the planet, the occasional explosion could be seen, proof that Admiral Westley's attack on the blockade was underway.

    Axe stepped into the lift and headed up to the command center. The door hissed open and he stepped out. A few troops were still removing the dismantled droids from the floor. Axe stepped over one and headed to a holotable, where schematics of the Admiral's battle were on display. Gizer, Veres, and Rigger were analyzing the battle.

    "How's it going up there?" Axe set his helmet down on a crate and moved towards them.

    "Looks like the Admiral will pull through. They've already disabled several of the light cruisers and the dreadnought is sustaining heavy damage," Gizer reported. A new holograph appeared, displaying new information.

    "Sir, we're receiving a transmission from Admiral Westley," a trooper called to him. Axe nodded to him.

    "Accept it." Axe faced the transmitter as a hologram of the Admiral appeared.

    "Commander, we've nearly succeeded in forcing the Separatist fleet to retreat. The Jedi Council contacted me and gave us new orders. Once the planet has been secured, a new legion will move in to maintain control until the Separatists have left the system permanently," Admiral Westley said. The hologram wavered a bit as the transmission experienced interference.

    "The 918th as well as the fleet have been ordered to break another blockade and carry a relief run to Dantooine as soon as Ryloth is secured," Admiral Westley finished.

    "We'll have everything ready, sir," Axe replied. The transmission ended abruptly. Axe turned to the others. "Where's the General?"

    "She's up here somewhere," Rigger replied, looking around. "I'm just not sure where."

    "I'll find her. Veres, get the troops ready to leave," Axe ordered. Veres nodded and headed towards the lift. Axe headed to the floor entrance and stepped into the hallway. He glanced around, but there was no one in sight. A doorway was open further down the hall.

    Axe stopped outside and peered in. Irel had her legs crossed and a datapad in her lap, displaying the list she had asked for. Her small crystal floated in the air, shedding a blue light around the room. Axe crossed his arms and leaned agains the door, positive that she knew he was there. The crystal flared a little every few minutes. Irel's expression would change with each flare and occasionally, she murmured something.

    I wonder if that has something to do with the Force, he thought to himself. He really didn't know much about the Jedi's strange power, other than what he had seen. The glow faded and the crystal drifted to the ground. Irel blinked her eyes open, slightly dazed.

    She raised her eyebrows, spying Axe. "Did you need something?"

    "Admiral Westley said they've almost broken the blockade. As soon as they do, we're being moved to Dantooine to push another blockade and do a relief run," Axe explained.

    Irel grabbed her crystal and placed it back in her pouch. She grabbed the datapad as she stood. "I guess we've got work to do then."

    Axe stepped back into the hallway and headed towards the command center, Irel trailing behind him. As they entered, the blockade display changed again. Irel set the datapad down and moved over to examine the schematics.

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