Thank You

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    And this concludes Jedi and Clone. You guys have no idea how much it means to me to read your comments and your speculations. I love seeing that you enjoyed my story and these characters. This book is by far one of, if not the best, book I have ever written and I love it so much. I never expected it to become as popular as it has and it has exceeded my expectations by so much. If I ever hoped to publish one of my Star Wars stories, it would be this one.

    In this story, I really tried to incorporate how I saw the Clone Wars. I wanted to add my own twist on it and show that there were Jedi besides Anakin and Ahsoka who questioned the Order. There were clones who didn't agree with the war. A friend could become an enemy and enemies could become friends. I hope I did a good job in bringing my vision to life and I really hope you guys liked it.

    You might see a lag in my Star Wars content for a short while. I'll be starting on my new original trilogy shortly. However, the next Star Wars story I'm going to write will be the next installment of Ania Bonteri's story. If you haven't yet read Daughter of Mortis, go on and check it out! If you have any suggestions on what you'd like to see from me, feel free to leave them in comments, on my wall, in pm, etc.


If you'd like to see the very end of Axe and Irel's story, please see Chapter 22: Past Revelations in Child of Balance.

For broader content featuring them, Axe is also see  in a few chapters of Trooper, and Irel has a couple brief appearances in Senator and Soldier.

Title Announcement

The second installment in Daughter of Mortis has been titled and the timeline and plot has been created! It will be titled...

"Child of Balance"

    Again, thank you all for the support you've given me in writing this story

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    Again, thank you all for the support you've given me in writing this story. I hope you'll stick around for my next book and check out some of my original works as well!

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