Chapter 58 -Back to school-

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As per usual, sleep did not come easily to me last night, nightmares striking once again. My thoughts were plagued with images of myself, burned skin and twisting skulls. It was a relief when I had opened my eyes, daylight greeting me. Turning over on my pillow, I noticed that Fred was already awake packing his trunk since he had left it to the last minute.

"What are you in such a rush for?" I question groggily, sitting up in the bed.

"Mum is going ballistic, she says we're going to miss the train." He frantically throws his belongings into his trunk.

"Good thing I'm already packed." I smirk, slipping out of my bed.

"Shut it Snake you have ten minutes to get ready." Fred huffs, grabbing his trunk and lugging it out of the room.

"Shit." I mutter, rushing to grab my clothes. Dressing myself at top speed, I hear yelling downstairs. I pull on a David Bowie shirt and slip my leather jacket off, making sure to cover my mark. Running a comb through my hair, I deem myself presentable and run over to grab my trunk. Hauling it off the floor, I dash out the door and descend the stairs at an alarmingly fast pace.

"MUDBLOODS! SCUM! CREATURES OF DIRT!" My grandmothers painting shrieks as I reach the bottom of the stairs.

Her voice mixes in with the already loud house, commotion in every room. I can faintly hear Ms.Weasley shouting over her, demanding that everyone should get a move on. Patiently waiting by the door, I pull out a cigarette due to constant annoying voices throughout the house. I watch as the golden trio and the rest of the Weasley's come into view, bounding in with numerous bags of luggage.

"Leave your trunks and your owl, Alastor's going to deal with the luggage.... Oh for heaven's sake, Sirius, Dumbledore said no!" Mrs. Weasley exclaims, looking at Padfoot who had trotted up next to Harry.

"He'll be a good boy, won't you Padfoot?" I inquire teasingly, walking over to scratch the dog's head.

"Oh honestly... well, on your own head be it!" Mrs. Weasley says despairingly as she wrenches open the front door. We all step out into the sunlight, the September weather greeting us with a breeze.

"Hey Snake do you want to go stop at that muggle pub?" Fred snickers from behind me and I discreetly throw the middle finger in his direction. We continue to walk, meeting another member of the order down the street. I watch as Padfoot snaps at pigeons, chasing his tail around us. Harry starts to laugh in front of me, eyes filled with amusement while Padfoot nips at his leg.

Averting my gaze to the ground, I try not to impose on the godfather and godson, slipping back into my distant routine. Walking at what feels like a mind numbingly slow pace, we finally reach the station. Making sure not to draw attention, we all slip through the barrier one at a time.

"Nice dog, Harry!" A boy with dreadlocks shouts as we walk out onto the platform.

"Thanks Lee!" Harry shouts, grinning, as Sirius wags his tail.

Scanning my eyes over the sea of people, I notice all the families, hugging their children goodbye. Briefly glimpsing at Sirius and Harry, I feel another sharp pang of jealousy in my chest. I quickly brush it off though upon noticing Remus' arrival with other order members.

"No trouble?" Alastor moody growls beside me.

"Nothing." Remus replies calmly.

"Alright everyone hurry onto the train now..." Mrs.Weasley begins to usher her children towards hogwarts express as I step to the side.

"Goodbye Moony." I smile, wrapping Remus into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry your father's being a wanker right now." Remus mumbles into my shoulder, causing me to giggle.

"It's alright he and Harry are closer." I shrug, stepping back from the embrace.

"I think he reminds him of James, he was always his first priority." He smiles sadly, looking towards where Sirius was placing both front paws on Harry's shoulder.

"Yeah." I respond simply, watching Harry walk onto the train.

"Delilah just know that you will always be my first priority, you and your twat of a father." Remus chuckles and I feel instant gratitude for the man before me.

"Thank Remus." I smile fondly, giving him another tight hug before turning towards the train. Walking slowly as I heave my luggage, I feel a nip at my leg and look down. Standing next to me on the ground was Padfoot, tongue hanging out goofily. Rolling my eyes at my fathers antics, I reach down to give him one final pet. Seemingly satisfied, Sirius lets out a bark before trotting back to the other order members.

Looking back one last time, I close my eyes shut as if to ready myself for the train ride. Reopening them, I set my mouth in a firm line, masking my emotions for the school year. Stepping onto the train, I look down the hall to see the twins and the golden trio laughing happily in the Gryffindor section. Sighing, I scold myself for thinking that we would could still talk at school. It was naive of me to think that the past two weeks had made us proper acquaintances.

For a brief moment, Fred snaps his gaze up towards mine, eyes latching for a split second. His mouth shift into a wide grin as he gives me an overdramatic wink.Shifting my stare, I smile to myself and start to strut towards the Slytherin section, chin held up high.

"Delilah!" I hear a familiar voice shout from a nearby compartment.

"Hey blondie." I smirk, walking towards Draco.

"Guess what?" He exclaims after I pull him into a tight hug, ruffling his hair.

"You got prefect." I reply, looking at the badge on his robes.

"Pansy too, father thinks it's the first good decision Dumbledore has made." Draco says arrogantly as I hold in a laugh.

"Merlin I forgot how stuck up your were." I laugh, elbowing him in the stomach.

"I forgot how violent you were." He narrows his eyes as he rubs the spot I hit him.

"Well don't you have to go to a meeting?" I raise an eyebrow, looking at him expectantly.

"I just wanted to say hello first, you are my sister after all." Draco rolls his eyes, and I feel my heart swell at his words.

"Awww I knew you loved me." I say in a sickly sweet voice, pinching at his cheek.

"Alright I'm going now." He pushes my hand away, breaking back into his sneer. I grin as he walks towards the prefects compartment, realizing how much I missed the blonde boy. Settling into the empty compartment Draco had found, I gaze out the window. I pull out my walkman and a cigarette, the only sense of familiarity I know.

Leaning my head against the window, I watch the passing scenery with a frown. Seeing the trees, and valleys, I realize that I would be a part of the path to demolish such beauty. Soon enough, these valleys would be warzones littered with corpses, and I would be standing at the top with my mark for all to see. They would know the monster I had become, they would know that I was a traitor amongst them. Sirius and Remus would be before me with pleading looks, the ink in my flesh ordering me to raise my wand.

Yet it was not them I was most scared of disappointing, but rather a boy that smelled of cinnamon with freckles like stars.

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