Chapter 26-Unforgivable Curses-

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Placing the needle delicately on the record, music filled the room in the early morning. I backed away from the record player, my hands on my hips as I looked over my wardrobe.Deciding on a shorter black skirt I stumbled around the room trying to find the rest of my belongings. I grabbed a pair of black doc martens and pulled them over my my green knee high socks.

"I'm on the highwayy to hell " I sung while dancing over to my mirror. Skimming over my appearance I sighed, stupid fucking eye bags. Sleep did not come easily to me last night after the fight with Fred in the great hall. Hence the enormous dark circles that were currently residing underneath my eyes. Leaving the depressing view of myself in the mirror, I left my room and went down to the great hall. The atmosphere seemed slightly lighter this morning, chatter filling the hall about the Triwizard tournament.

"Please tell me you're not still in a grumpy mood." Adrian drones and slings his arm around my shoulder as I sit down.

"Unless Fred Weasley suddenly died then yes I am in a grumpy mood."

" Oh come on, we have Professor Moody to look forward to! I heard that he's an amazing teacher." He raise his eyebrows and smiles.

" That's likely." I snort as Graham takes a seat next to me.

" I just overheard the Weasley twins talking about whipping up an age potion." Graham reaches over towards my plate and steals my apple.

" That's poisoned by the way." I murmur and he spits the apple out immediately. The corners of my lips tug upward into a smile at the sight of it.

" It wasn't actually poisoned was it?" Graham asks and I shake my head no, chuckling slightly.

" So what's all this about the twins and an age potion." Adrian arches a quizzical brow.

" Apparently they want to enter the tournament but the age limit won't let them. So, I guess they figure whipping up an aging potion will do the trick." Graham shrugs and goes back to eating my apple.

" Yes because the both of them excel so much in potions." I roll my eyes at their foolishness.

" Not all of us are as gifted as you Delilah." Adrian dramatically sighs and I hit the back of his head.

" Shut up you gits let's get today over with." I pull both of them up by their robes as we make our way to class. Thankfully I had relatively easier courses in the morning but I still had Defense Against The Dark Arts last period. My other classes went by quickly and soon enough I was dragging myself to the place I was dreading.

"What do you think he's like?" Graham asks from beside me.

" I think he's a bloody lunatic and shouldn't be teaching us." I reply without a second thought. Walking into the classroom I place down my books and settle into my seat, wanting to get it done and over with.

Fred Weasley Pov:

" Alastor Moody, Ex- Auror. Your new defense against the dark arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me, any questions?" He asked the class and not a soul dared to raise their hand.

"I like him already." George whispers next to me and I grin.

" When it comes to Dark Arts I believe in a practical approach. It's obvious you lot have no experience in this area, so can can anybody tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?"

"Three sir." Montague piped up.

"And so named?"

"Because they're unforgivable. Using anyone of them will get you-"

"-On a one way ticket to Azkaban. Correct, the ministry says your old enough now to see what these curses do. You need to be prepared, need to see what's out there." Moody finishes scribbling on the blackboard. He looked around the room, his fake eye whizzing all over the place until landing where I was seated.

"Which curse chalk we see first? Mr. Weasley!" He announced.

" Yes?" George and I questioned simultaneously.

"One of you give a curse, your dad must have told you about one ."  He looks at us expectantly and George's decides to speak up.

"He told us about one... The Imperius Curse?"

"Ah yes your father would know all about that. Gave the ministry quite a bit of trouble a few years back. Maybe this will show you why." He retreats back to his desk and takes a spider out from a jar.

" Imperio!" Moody shouted and waved his wand. The spider began to float around the classroom and a series of mixed reactions went up among the class. Most students, such as myself, were laughing hysterically and others looked on in fright. I was still laughing when Moody snapped his neck towards me.

" Think it's funny do you?" He snarled and made the spider come closer towards me.

" What if I made her jump out the window? Drown herself?" The class became quiet at Moody's  words, a sense of unease spreading.

" Scores of witches and wizards have claimed they only did You-know-who's bidding under the influence of the Imperius curse.But how do we sort out the liars? How do we know who's trying to save their skin? Mr Pucey , you next." Moody says, placing the spider back down.

"T-the Cruciatus curse." Adrian Pucey stutters

"Correct! Otherwise know as the torture curse."  He begins to raise his wand for a second time.

"Crucio!"  He seethes. The spider starts to flail around in pain, limbs moving frantically. I watched in disgust as Moody continue to use the curse on the spider.

"You don't need whips or thumbscrews to hurt anybody when you have this curse." He finally stopped his wand, ending the insects suffering. The class remained silent until Moody spoke up once more.

" Can anyone give use the final curse? Ms.Rees?" Moody calls upon the girl after noticing her hand in the air.

" The killing curse." She said calmly as if it was casual conversation.

" Correct, the only person known to survive it is the famous Harry Potter. Avada Kedavra!" He shouts and a large green light emits from the bottom of his wand. The spiders body go's limp and crumpled in a heap on the desk.  People around me looked on in fear, but out of the corner of my eye I notice something even more startling.

Unlike most people in the class, Delilah Rees looked intrigued by the events that had just taken place. Her fingers were tapping on the table as if she was itching to try out the curses for herself. I sighed and returned to looking at my desk, not wanting to think about what was going on in her head.

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