Chapter 16-Quittich Competition-

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"YOU WANT ME TO WHAT!" I shout at Pucey while he thrusts a broom in my hand.

"I said that you owed me when I hid you from Weasley so this is the price." He smirks while I look at the broom skeptically.

"Listen Pucey I haven't played quittich in ages, do you really expect me to play for the cup?" I arch my brow and he merely shrugs.

"I heard that you were a fine beater when you did play, plus Flint is short one guy." Handing me a quidditch jersey I apprehensively reach out to take it. Adrian gives me one last wink before turning away and leaving the common room.

"Well this should be interesting."I mutter and place the new equipment upstairs. Thanks to the stupid use of Pucey as a shield, I was now being forced to play the Gryffindors for the final quidditch game. Why the fuck did I agree to this? Trudging back down the stairs and heading to the great hall I twirled my necklace around my fingers for comfort.

As I walked in, the tension in the room was unbelievable. Both houses glared at one another with a fire in their eyes and a yearning to be out on the pitch. It was definitely safe to say that the game today would be full of penalties and broken bones. I sat next to Draco who was too busy staring down the Gryffindors to acknowledge my presence.

"Well don't you look happy." I place down my books as he realizes I'm next to him.

"You would be looking like this too if you were playing the Gryffindors." Draco sneers

"It just so happens Blondie I am playing tonight so how about you retract that statement." I respond with slight irritation in my voice. Looking down the table at Pucey for confirmation and receiving a nod, a wide grin spreads across Draco's face.

"I thought you would never play again!" He exclaims and brings me in for a quick hug. Rolling my eyes, I ruffle his bleach blonde hair.

"It wasn't really my choice, but at least I'll be able to demolish those stupid Lions with you." I return the grin and begin to eat. After breakfast the rest of the day was pure agony, no one payed attention since they were counting down the time until the match. It was my last period when I found myself watching the clock intently, waiting for the last tick before class was dismissed.

Watching the final hand turn, I abruptly stood up and practically ran out of the class with everyone else. Grabbing my jersey and broom from my dorm, I dashed towards the locker room where the rest of the team was gathered. Throwing on my clothes and adjusting my quidditch gloves I strode over to where the team was beginning to meet up.

"Alright you guys I want a dirty fight, if there is a single person on Gryffindor who isn't injured everyone will be doing laps." Flint instructs while standing in front of us all.

"Aye Aye Captain." I mockingly salute and we all snicker. With one last pep talk, we charge the pitch that is filled with cheering fans. The stadium was obnoxiously loud as the Gryffindors also charged the field.While zooming by on their brooms,the Weasley twins mouths hang open at the sight of me.

I guess no one was informed that I would be playing today, some kind of secret weapon plan. Although I doubt how much of a weapon I'll be considering I haven't played a real match in over a year. Scanning the crowd nervously, I spot a familiar canine on the edge of the pitch watching from a distance. Giving Padfoot a small wave I turn my gaze towards the teachers box where I grin broadly upon seeing Remus with two thumbs up. Snapping me out of my daze, Draco places a hand on my shoulder as we begin to mount our brooms.

Wrapping my fingers around the handle tightly and securing the bat with my other hand, a wave of excitement courses through me. Each team was giving looks that could kill while across from each other, waiting for Madam Hooch to start the game. The whistle is finally blown and players fly in every direction, in a mad dash. Swinging my bat menacingly, I darted around the pitch and hit oncoming bludgers towards the opposing team.

It might have just so happened that the majority of them were directed towards one specific ginger, but no one seemed to mind. Spotting a bludger heading directly towards Pucey, I zoomed towards it and swung the bat which resulted in the bludger being catapulted across the field and barely missing Potter.

"Watch where you hit Snake or Trelawneys prediction may very well come true." Fred sneers from beside me and knocks a bludger towards Montague. Giving him a hard shove, I dart around him and continue to knock bludgers every which way. While protecting Pucey, the red head appeared beside me once more in hopes of distracting me.

"Get the fuck out of my way Frederick." I attempt to go by him so that I can hit a bludger that was near Flint. However, the ginger blocks my escape by becoming a human barricade with his broad shoulders. Thinking of possible ways to dodge him, an evil plan comes to mind.

"Guess you're just gonna have to deal with a broken nose." I pull back my elbow while going past him and aim it at his face. Hearing a satisfying crunch, I make my way over to Flint and hit the bludger away at the last second. Looking back over to where the Weasel was, I see him doubled over with blood pouring from his nose. A smirk forms on my face but doesn't last for long as cheers fill the Gryffindor section.

Looking down, I see none other than Harry Potter holding the golden snitch up in the air with a triumphant look on his face. We had lost the game and I was thankful that I wasn't an actual member of the team since Flint had begun to scream at players.

Hovering down to the ground I let out a sigh and walk around the stream of students wearing red and gold that had swarmed the field. Before I can make my way around someone taps me on the shoulder and I slowly turn.

"I guess a broken nose is far better than losing the match." He smugly remarks while blood continues to run from his nose.

"Thank you for that interesting input, now if you excuse me I'd rather not be seen talking to you." I bitterly respond and begin to walk away.

"HAVE FUN SULKING SNAKE" The ginger calls out from behind me while I continue to leave.

"HAVE FUN WITH THAT NOSE WEASEL" I shout over my shoulder and hear him let out a laugh. I find myself silently smiling and shake my head at the Weasley boy. Seeing that Padfoot was still waiting for me I make my way over.

"Hey buddy, thanks for cheering me on." I kneel down and scratch his head. The dog barks and nuzzles his nose against my hand in an endearing manner. Continuing to run my fingers through his hair, the dog nudges my arm so that I look at him. He nods his head in the direction of the teachers that had began to come onto the field to celebrate.

Realizing that he can't be seen, I give him one final pet as he jogs away. However, before he left the field, Padfoot turned around one last time and I couldn't believe my eyes. As he looked back, I swear to Merlin that dog winked at me.

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