Chapter 47 - Dancing in the Kitchen-

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Fred Weasley Pov

"SNAKEEE?!" I yell, searching downstairs for the black haired girl.  It was earlier in the morning, and I had woken up to pull a prank. Yet when I had entered Delilah's room to put the plan into motion, all I found were tangled bed sheets. Now, I was wandering around the house in search of the girl with no clue where she could've gone.

"You called?" A voice suddenly comes from behind me, and I turn to see her on the bottom step, arms crossed.

"Where were you?" I ask, having looked  practically everywhere in the house.

"Awww was someone worried about me." She playfully cooes, pinching my cheek.

"No, I was just making sure you didn't sneak off to relay information to the Malfoy's." I swat her hand away, lifting my chin defensively.

"Whatever you say Weasel." Delilah smirks before walking towards the kitchen.

Rolling my eyes, I follow her , still curious about her whereabouts this morning. I watch as she glides across the room and towards the cabinets. She hums quietly to herself as she pulls out a teapot and fills it with water. Her hands move ever so gracefully, slipping into her own morning routine.  I continue to stand in the doorway, unsure of what do with myself as I watch her rummage around the pantry.

"Are you just going to stand there or can you get me the sugar?" Delilah quips, back facing me as she continues to make her tea.

"Why of course your highness." I mockingly bow and make my way over to the sugar bowl. Picking it up, I walk over to where she is standing and place it down on the countertop.

"Good, now can you put some in my cup." She pushes her mug towards me, her attention still focused on the teapot.

"How much?" I take out a spoon, looking at her inquisitively.

"First of all put away the spoon." She snatches the untensil from my hand, shoving it back in the drawer.

"Do you want me to just dump it all in?" I question in disbelief.

"Exactly Frederick." She grins, taking the lid off the sugar.

"You are mental." I chuckle, pouring a large amount into her mug. 

"That's a laugh coming from you."  Delilah starts to add the water, letting the tea bag sit.

"Hey what's that supposed to mea-" I am cut off as the girl gasps loudly, staring at something behind me.

"NO WAY THEY HAVE A RECORD PLAYER!" She exclaims, running over towards the corner where object was laying.

"Seriously, I thought you-know-who was behind me for a second." I say in an annoyed tone.

"Bugger off." She calls over her shoulder, carefully placing the needle on a record she had found. Instantaneously, the sound of guitar echoes throughout the kitchen, causing Delilah to grin broadly.

"What is this?" I question loudly, the high volume muffling my voice.

"This Weasel is ACDC." Delilah starts to thrash her head to the music, dancing across the kitchen to grab her tea.

"What's an ACDC?" I ask, thoroughly perplexed.

"They're a band dumbass." She snickers, taking a sip from her mug.

"I've never heard of them." I shrug, listening closely to the music.

"It's a muggle band, one of the best." Delilah smiles, tapping her foot to the beat.

"Oh yeah I forgot about your muggle obsession." I chuckle as she casts me a harsh glare.

"It's not an obsession, just a preference." She responds defiantly.

"So what you're saying is that you would prefer to shag a muggle." I give her a shit-eating grin and she punches me in the shoulder.

"I would prefer you shutting your mouth." The girl snaps, her head still bobbing to the song.

"Not possible." I flash her a charming smile.

"Just let me dance in peace Weasel." She sighs, swaying her hips to the music.

"No can do." I grab her hand and begin to dance with her. Delilah's fingers were long and slender, intertwining cozily with mine.

"If I get a disease from this I will hex you." She grumbles but remains in my hold, both of us moving to the upbeat record.

"Dirty deeds and done dirt cheappp." The singer wails, heavy guitar in the background.

"This song has weird lyrics." I observe and look at Delilah across from me.

"Stop talking." She shouts over the music as I spin her around. Her hair is tousled and hanging slightly in her eyes as she dances, a small smile gracing her features. A sudden desire to be closer to the girl sprouts in my chest, causing me to move my hands to her waist. Oddly enough, Delilah doesn't even flinch at the placement of my hands, still happily swaying her hips. I rub my hands up and down her sides, watching her normally cold gaze fade into excitement.

We continue to dance wildly to the song, unaware that someone was watching us. Our gazes lock halfway through, Delilah suddenly realizing our closeness. I see the faintest blush rise to her cheeks as she looks down at my hands that were squeezing her hips. We stop moving entirely, the music seemingly fading away in the background.

Her eyes return to my face, flickering down to my lips. The air seems to thicken, our breaths mingled in the small gap between us, lips an inch away. I watch as her mouth seems to near mine, the distance between us continuing to diminish. When it seems that our lips are about to touch, the record stops, breaking us from our trance. We both spring apart quickly as if we had been burned my the mere touch of one another.

"Well, well, well." A voice speaks up, causing me to snap my head towards the doorway. I feel a rush of warmth rise to my cheeks as my twin looks at us smugly.

"I see you two have been getting along." George arrogantly grins, striding into the room and leaning against the counter. Across the room, Delilah has returned to her original position, casually sipping tea and avoiding eye contact.

"Rees was just showing me some of her atrocious dance moves." I speak up, attempting to clear the awkward silence.

"I think it was the other way around Weasel." She replies, though not with much bitterness as usual.

"You two amaze me." George chuckles, shaking his head, and leaves the room as quickly as he entered.

"What's he talking about?" Delilah questions, bemused as George retreats down the hallway.

"No idea." I reply, sharing a confused look with her across the table. Yet, subconsciously the both of us knew exactly what my twin was referring to, our cheeks still flushed from dancing in the kitchen.

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