Chapter 41-Traitor-

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"My little Padfoot." Sirius warmly smiles before engulfing me in a hug. I wrap my arms tightly around him and bury my face into his shoulder, taking in the scent of smoke.

"What are you doing here?!" I question, astonished from this unexpected visit.

"Dumbledore summoned me so that he could talk to Harry and I, but I reckoned I could sneak in a chat with you first." He flashes a wink .

"Well you certainly know when to pick your visits." I chuckle and gesture to the chaos taking place from outside the stands.

"Yes I'm not quite sure what has happened but that's why Dumbledore has summoned me I suppose. Anyways, why where you chasing after the headmaster?" Sirius raises a brow at me and I feel a knot form in my stomach.

"Oh... um I was just trying to ask him what exactly happened." I attempt to say in a somewhat calm tone.

"I see, well as much as I would like to talk longer I have to go visit Dumbledore now, but afterwards we can meet up in the hospital wing if you would like? Then I can tell you exactly what happened out there." Sirius looks at me hopefully and I smile.

"Of course, I have to sort some things out first but I will definitely meet you there and you can fill me in on all the gossip." I say in an amused tone.

"Always the comedian, taking after me I suppose." He barks out a laugh and envelops me into another tight hug. I give him one final smile before he reverts to his dog form and trots off towards the castle.

Letting the joy from Sirius's visit die down, it was now time for me to let the panic set in. Darting out from underneath the stands, I see that everyone had been escorted back to the castle besides a few professors talking in hushed whispers. Avoiding them, I carefully tip toed around the arena and set off towards Crouch Jr.'s office. I tried to keep a casual pace but soon broke into a tiny jog, my nerves getting the best of me.

Up ahead, I see that his office door is wide open and there appears to be people inside. Creeping up slowly, I see that it is actually Cornelius Fudge himself along with Snape and McGonagal. They appeared to be surveying the room and had grave features edged upon their faces.

My pulse quickened at the sight, for this surely meant Crouch Jr. had been caught and our plan had failed. Overwhelming terror flooded my senses at the thought of how enraged the Dark Lord must be. Trying to steady myself, I took a deep breath and began my journey back to the school. Walking along the grounds a million thoughts swirled simultaneously around my head.

How had Harry survived?

Where was Crouch Jr. ?

I continued to ponder the events that had taken place until finally reaching the outskirts of the hospital wing. Peering inside, I see a sleeping Harry Potter and the Weasleys crowded around his bed. Upon further inspection I see Padfoot on the floor with his ears pricked up and eyes darting in my direction.

Slowly, he gets up and walks quietly towards where I am standing outside of the hospital wing, out of sight. Transforming out of Padfoot, Sirius now stood before me once more, except this time he looked far more somber.

"What happened?" I quickly blurt out, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Far too much Delilah, far too much." Sirius shakes his head and slowly drags his hand over his face in exhaustion.

"Can you elaborate?" I question, my voice slightly faltering.

"He who must not be named has returned Delilah, and I fear that the war is about to start again." He looks at me, mouth pulled into a firm line.

"What happened to Harry?" I ask while discreetly looking over towards the bed in which he rest.

"He dueled Voldemort, and almost lost his life in the process." Sirius frowns and follows my gaze to the sickly looking boy.

"And what about Cedric?"

"Cedric Diggory was not as fortunate, and did in fact lose his life at Voldemort's hands." He explains, still staring sorrowfully at Harry.

"So the dark lord has returned." I try to attempt a mournful expression, though I am internally relieved the plan did not go to a total waste.

"The dark lord?" Sirius questions, now snapping his gaze towards me.

"That is what I often hear him referred to as, I must have picked it up by accident." I quickly lie and hope that my guilty face does not betray me.

"Do you know who Barty Crouch Jr. is?"

"Yes, he was a death eater, Lucius has told me about him." I respond wearily.

"He has been disguising himself as Alastor Moody all year in a plot to deliver Harry to Voldemort." Sirius explains and I do my best to look shocked.

"How?!" I exclaim, mentally persecuting myself for my lies.

"Polyjuice potion, he was stealing it from Snape's cupboards. As for how he was able to deliver Harry, that is where things get more complicated..." Sirius trails off.

"What do you mean?" I ask, genuinely curious for his answer.

"Crouch Jr. was interrogated with veritaserum, and when asked of how he was able to preform the task he said he had help within the school. We were going to interrogate him further but dear old Fudge accidentally let a dementor on him." Sirius says bitterly while I am secretly praising Merlin for Fudges carelessness.

"Well that's unfortunate." I give him a half frown.

"Yes, but we now know that there is a traitor amongst us. Which is why I am reinstating the Order of the Phoenix." He responds, somewhat proudly.

"And that is..."

"An army of sorts, to help defeat Voldemort...and I would like you to join." Sirius now has a smile on his face.

"You want me, to j-join?" I stutter, having trouble finding my words due to shock.

"Yes, you are my daughter Delilah and would give me great pleasure to have you along my side. Plus I would like to spend some more time with you, possibly listening to records and eating cauldron cakes." Sirius grins and I let out a shaky laugh.

"That sounds amazing." I happily respond, returning his grin.

"Well then it's settled, I will owl you this summer to let you know when to meet up at headquarters. But for now, I see that Harry is waking up so I must leave you my little Padfoot." He gives me a chaste kiss on my forehead and reverts back to his dog form. I bend down and give him one final pat on the head before he trots back into the room.

I slowly sink back further behind the corner, nausea overcoming me. I was supposed to now join the Order of the Phoenix, yet it was I who betrayed the school. It was I, who was the traitor that had lead to the Dark Lords return.

Yet, I was being offered a place in the order to go against my current allegiance. I could not just abandon my current status, I am supposed to get the bloody dark mark at the beginning of the summer. After that I am sure more tasks will be given to me, more jobs that force me to lie to the only true family I have. It wasn't that I didn't want to tell Sirius the truth, it was just that my shame had prevented me from doing so.

How was I supposed to look him in the eye and tell him I was basically a death eater?

This whole situation was far too complicated for my liking, my head feeling as though it might explode with so many thoughts. Taking out my trusty cigarette, I inhaled the only sense of comfort I had left. Pondering as to what was to come of my future, I felt myself get lost in the endless possibilities. It was then that I failed to notice a figure exiting the hospital wing and sliding down on the floor beside me.

"Again with the smoking snake?"

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