Chapter 19 -Sirius Black-

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It was as if all the words in my throat went dry and I began to choke on the air itself. My heart quickened to a rate at which I thought it was going to burst from my chest. I could no longer breathe, but rather hyperventilate as I watched the man before me. The world seemed to come to a complete stop and my vision became blurred.

I opened and closed my mouth,gasping for air as well as my sanity. The wind had dried my tears, leaving faint red streaks underneath my eyes. A sense of dread seeped deep into my veins, the kind that almost seems to make your hairs stand on edge. Though, it was not the man himself that struck fear in every part of my body, but the strong urge to be embraced by his warm grey eyes.

Those grey eyes that seemed to call me near.

That made my heart pound and ache at the same time.

The eyes that reminded me so much of my own.

This time I was sure it was not a boggart, but the real Sirius Black in the flesh. He continued to watch me, his face contorted into one of concern and yearning. For he too, wished to be embraced by me,an invisible force beckoning him in.Studying me carefully, he cautiously reached out his hand and placed it on top of mine.

His touch felt like listening to all your favorite records on a Sunday morning. It felt like reading in the library on a rainy day.That sense of overwhelming comfort  was generated by his mere touch. All of the nights I spent countless hours wondering what home felt like,this was it. My mind screamed to run away or hide,but my body felt the need to remain in place.

"Delilah." The man breathed out. My name rolled pleasantly off of his tongue. Almost like he had just remembered what it felt like to say it. Almost like it was a privilege to simply speak my name.

" I won't hurt you." He whispered. His eyes were glossed over and mouth set in a deep frown.

"I know." I shakily respond,not even registering what I said. His head jerked up at my voice and a smile ghosted his lips.

"What do you know?"  The question was so quiet I thought I had imagined it.But as he sat looking at me for a response, I realized I had heard correctly.

" I know that I should not be so friendly with a mass murderer." He lets out a barking laugh at my response. The laugh that plagued my dreams and the thoughts of my past. Without so much as moments warning, I threw my arms around the disheveled man.

I felt him stiffen under my contact, the close proximity being foreign. After a few seconds, his limbs relaxed and I felt his arms tighten around me.

"Aren't you afraid?" He whispered into my ear. His warm breath fanned across my cheek as I buried my face into his shoulder. Inhaling the familiar scent of smoke and sugar, a light giggle escaped my lips.

"You would think so." I reply, still giggling at the absurdity of it all. Untangling my arms from his hold, I leant back up against the tree and released a deep sigh.

"Rough day?" He mused,quirking up an eyebrow. I let out a loud laugh and shook my head.

"What would make you think that? Totally not like I'm talking to a bloody Azkaban escapee that has happened to be my dog best friend for the entire year." I sarcastically respond.

"Yeah that could come as quite a shock, and I haven't even got to the point where I tell you I'm your father." He chuckled but abruptly stopped and widened his eyes. Realizing the slip of words he slowly dragged his hand over his face in stupidity. Nervously scratching his neck and looking for my reaction he shyly grinned.

"Welp guess the cats out of the bag,or should I say dog?" He shrugs his shoulders and leans on the tree behind him.I was still processing his words and could only open and close my mouth in shock. After a couple minutes, I regained my senses and looked back up.

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