Chapter 59 - Lady in Pink -

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Fred Weasley Pov :

Upon entering the great hall, I noticed there were many hushed whispers and looks in the staff tables direction. Following my eyes to the commotion, I saw a new woman seated at the table, in nothing but pink clothing. Letting out a small chuckle at her choice of wardrobe, George and I continued to take our seats with Lee.

"Who's the lady in pink?" Lee immediately asks Angelina once we are seated.

"Don't no, seems like she's the new dark arts teacher." Angelina shrugs, leaning her head on George's shoulder.

"Seems like Harry doesn't like her." I announce upon seeing the golden trio throwing her annoyed glances.

"Looks like your Snake doesn't either." George bumps my shoulder, nodding his head towards a agitated-looking Delilah.

"Well to be fair Delilah doesn't like most people." I chuckle, turning back to see my friends with shocked features.

"Delilah?!" Lee questions, voice high pitch.

"Since when have you two been on a first name basis?" Angelina inquires, obviously as surprised as Lee.

"Oh it was just a slip of the tongue." I wave my hand dismissively, internally chastising myself at being so careless. 

"Oh...alright."Lee responds, still looking at me suspiciously.

"Anyways have you guys seen Hagrid?" My twin changes the subject quickly, making me immensely grateful.

"I heard professor Grubbly-Plank is taking over right now." Angelina adds.

"I wonder if something happened to Hagrid." Lee pipes up, concern in his voice.

"He's probably fine, just might be on vacation or something." I reply, attempting to ease their worries.

"Yeah you're probably right, I'm still freaked out by that pink puffball over there though." Lee mockingly shudders as we observe the new dark arts teacher.

"She seems nice." Angelina shrugs, taking  a mouthful of food.

"Doubtful."George and I mutter in unison, observing her tight smile.

"Hey look, It's time for Dumbledore's speech!" Someone from father down the table exclaims. Whipping my head around, I notice the head master has risen from his seat and the chatter in the great hall had ceased.

"Well now that we have digested another magnificent feast, I would like to introduce you to our two new staff members. We are very pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who will be taking Care Of Magical Creatures lessons; we are also delighted to introduce Professor Umbridge, our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." Dumbledore announces, gaze sweeping across the sea of students.

At his words a round of polite but fairly unenthusiastic applause went up among the great hall.

"Tryouts for the House Quidditch teams will take place on the -"

"Hem, hem." A sudden voice cuts off Dumbledore.  Looking to the right I notice that the voice belonged to Professor Umbridge, who seemed to be making a speech.

The headmaster was taken back for a moment at the interruption, but then sat down calmly and looked on in interest. The other teachers did not hide their surprise quite as well, looking at the woman with wide eyes. No new teacher had ever interrupted Dumbledore before, Professor Umbridge being the first to ever do so.

"Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome." Umbridge spoke in a high-pitch, breathy, and little-girlish voice.

"This should be interesting."George mumbles from beside me, preparing ourselves for the speech that was about to occur.

"Well it is lovely to be back at Hogwarts I must say! I am very much looking forward to get to know you all, and I'm sure we'll be very good friends!" She smiles, revealing very pointed teeth. Students exchanged looks at her words, barely able to conceal grins.

"I'll be her friend as long as I don't have to dress like her." Lee whispers, causing us to lapse into silent giggles.

"The ministry of magic has always considered education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. The rare gifts with which you were born may come to nothing if not nurtured and honed by careful instruction-" Umbridge's words left my attention as I felt a soft object hit the side of my head.

Looking down, I see a crumpled napkin had fallen from where it had be thrown towards me. Bending down discreetly, I pick up the napkin and begin to unfold it.

"I'm tempted to light a cig right now - Snake "

Laughing quietly at the note, I look up across the great hall to meet Delilah eyes. Finding that she was already looking at me, I watch as she flashes a quick smirk. The girl then pulls back her robes slightly to unveil a pack of cigarettes hidden beneath. Smiling widely, I turn back to my own napkin, scribbling down a reply.

"Do you happen to have any firewhiskey on you as well?" - Weasel.

I crumple the napkin, grinning to myself, before I toss it towards the slytherin girl. Seeing her catch the note, she hurriedly unfolds it, eyes skimming over my words. Delilah's features morph into a grin as she looks back up to meet my gaze. She gives me a mock frown and a thumbs down, signaling that she did not currently have any on her. In return, I bring my palm to my forehead, pretending to be dramatically hurt by the revelation.

"Are you alright mate?" I hear Lee question from across me, breaking me out of the conversation. Turning around in an instant, I meet Lee's scrutinizing glare.

"Oh yeah, just thought I saw something." I shrug, slipping Delilah's napkin into my pocket.

"Rightttt." Lee says wearly, still peering over my shoulder to see where I was looking.

"Come on Lee pay attention to Ms. Pinky." George smacks the back of Lee's head, earning a playful shove in return.

"Thanks." I whisper to my twin, relieved that he had covered for me once more.

"Sure thing Freddie, how about you just turn down the flirting with your girlfriend." George smirks and I feel myself blush crimson.

Rolling my eyes, I spare a quick glance back at the Slytherin table. Looking at Delilah briefly, my eyes go wide and a large grin spreads over my face. There the girl was, leaning back in her seat, with a cigarette between her teeth and feet propped up on the table.

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