Chapter 29- Impostor-

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Fred Weasley Pov:

We spent the remainder of our day in the hospital wing, getting our beards removed and body's back to normal. By the time we were fully recovered, the Halloween Feast was about to start.

"Come on Freddie let's head down to the hall." George pulls me by robes. Getting up off the bed in a hurry, I walk towards the exit.

"You've been a doll Poppy." I wink while passing by her desk. She gives me a hard glare that makes me practically run out of the room. Walking into the great hall I noticed they were still serving odd foreign food which tasted like troll dung.

"Wish they'd hurry up." George sighed once we were seated.

"No kidding, this food is horrible." I shove the plate away from me and begin to tap my fingers impatiently on the table. The teachers were all engaged in conversation that showed no sign of stopping.

"Hope it's Angelina." George says as Harry,Ron and Hermione sit down at the table.

"So do I !" Hermione breathlessly exclaims.

"None of the Slytherins entered, cowards." Ron smirks while looking over towards the students in green.

"Not even Rees or Malfoy?" Harry questions

"Please, if either of them got hurt they would be screaming for their father." I snarl and everyone snickers.

For the rest of the meal there was tension in the air while waiting for the teachers to finish up. A few more moments passed until Dumbledore rose from his seat.

"Well, I think it is time for the goblet to make it's decision. Now, when the champion's names are called, I would ask them please to come up to the top of the hall, walk along the staff table, and go to the chamber where further instructions will await." He says while taking out his wand.

With a flick of the wrist, the candles in the hall are extinguished, launching the hall into a state of darkness. The goblet was centered in the center of the hall, it's blue flames creating light in the room. Everyone's eyes were trained solely on The Goblet of Fire , eager for the champions to be announced.

"Come on." Lee whispered across from me. As soon as the words left his lips, the flames of the goblet turned a vibrant red while a piece of charred parchment was launched into the air. The paper floated slowly into Dumbledore's palm and everyone's breath hitched in anticipation.

"The champion for Durmstrang, is Victor Krum." He read in a strong voice.

"I knew it!" I exclaim and high five with George. A loud applause went through the hall as Krum stood up and entered the chamber. The applause died down as Krum disappeared from view and the goblets flames turned red once more. A second piece of parchment shot out of it, announcing the second champion.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!" Dumbledore exclaims. The girl stood gracefully from the Ravenclaw table and glided towards the chamber. Looking over at her previous table I notice several of her fellow classmates have burst into tears.

"Why are they crying?" I ask and George shrugs his shoulders. Turning my attention back to the goblet the entire hall went quiet. Next to Lee, Angelina crossed her fingers and squeezed her eyes shut. The flames turned red for a final time and the piece of parchment floated in the air, slowly moving as if it were taunting us.

"The Hogwarts champion, is Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore smiled.

"Are you bloody kidding me." I say bitterly. The Hufflepuff table went up in cheers as Cedric stood up with a wide grin plastered on his face.

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