Chapter 10 -Mystery Cassette-

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It had been a few days since the cruel prank and was now time to leave for Christmas break. I had managed to avoid the two red heads, and it seemed as thought they were avoiding me as well. The twins were wise to avoid me, seeing as though I would have hexed them to oblivion if they dare try to rectify their actions. For now though, I didn't have to worry about acknowledging their existence and happily continue on with my life.

Before going up to my dorm to prepare for my departure, I decided to make one tiny little stop. I knocked gently on the outside of Professor Lupin's door ,while watching him hunched over his desk grading papers.Startled, he jumped in his seat and looked up only to find me leaning against the doorway with a shit-eating grin.

"Well Delilah you definitely know how to give a person a heart attack." He chuckles and I make my way over to his desk.

"Sorry about that, I always forget your among the elderly." I smirk and place a gift on his desk.

"Oh you didn't need to get me anything." Lupin picks up the gift and gives me a warm smile.

"Of course I did, how else am I supposed to get extra credit?" He looks up at me and rolls his eyes, beginning to unwrap the present. Undoing the wrapping paper he smiles broadly and holds up the gift.

"Why am I not surprised you would get me something like this?" Holding up the mug with John Lennon's face plastered on it he lets out a loud laugh.

"I figured it could be a daily reminder of our amazing singing duet.Also you drink a fuck ton of tea so."I shrug my shoulders and give him a smirk.

"Language , but thank you for this Delilah it was very kind of you."

"No problemo Lupin, just make sure you boost my grade up a little bit and we'll be even." I wink and lift myself off his desk.

"You don't have to address me by my last name you know. "

"Well what else am I supposed to call you, Gramps?" I question and he shoots me a playful glare.

" I actually used to go by the name Moony when I was your age." He quietly laughs while thinking back to his childhood.

"Alright then Moony, try not to have a stroke while I'm on gone." We both laugh and I slip myself out of his office.I went back to my dorm and began to pack quickly,making sure to bring a couple records.I had just finished stuffing my suitcase when I found a peculiar object in one of my drawers. It was a small rectangular box with a bow that appeared to be an early Christmas gift.

I carefully lifted the lid of the box and nearly gasped when seeing a cassette tape hidden within. It wasn't the tape itself that came as a shock but rather how it was labeled on the side. The initials LP had been written on the cassette, much similar to the engraving on my necklace. My heart rate sped up even further when I read the card attached to the present which only contained a paw print.

I had no idea what this paw meant but I sure as hell knew that whoever gave me this gift, had also given me my necklace. Running my fingers across the two letters that seemed to make my mind start buzzing with a million thoughts, I let out a small laugh. When had my life suddenly become so mysterious?

I pocketed the tape and grabbed my trunks, leaving my dorm with confusion clouding my mind. Making my way to the train I decided to push the gift out of my mind until I arrived home. Scanning the crowd of students, I found Draco's platinum blonde locks and dashed over towards him.

"Hey Blondie you ready to go back to our dearest parents." I chuckle and link our arms as we step onto the train.

"Yeah I'm so ready to hear father scream bloody murder at you about my injury." He laughed and my eyes widened at the thought.

"Well if things get to out of hand I'll just tell them about you and Pansy constantly eating face in the common room. You know, get some of the attention off me and onto you." I patted him on the shoulder while making our way to the Slytherin compartment.

As we were walking in the hallway I caught the eyes of the one person I was trying to pretend wasn't alive. Fred Weasley had locked eyes with me for a brief second before averting his attention back towards his Gryffindor friends. Continuing forward, I thought it was odd that he wasn't rubbing the prank in my face like I had thought he would.

"Hey how come Weaslebee is avoiding you like the plague?" Draco questions as we get situated in our compartment.

"I don't know but this is far better than having him up my ass twenty four seven." I cross my legs and lean against the window. Looking over at Draco I see him with his mouth wide open and his face beet red.

"Up y-your what?" Draco sputters and I quickly realize that he took my statement literally.

"Oh my fucking god Draco, it is an expression you perverted freak." I facepalm and try not to gag at the thought of what he had been implying. I really needed to start being more careful with how I word things around his gutter filled mind. We continue to talk for the rest of the train ride and eventually arrive at the platform. Stepping off the train we begin to walk over to a smiling Narcissa and an unhappy Lucius.

"Okay before you say anything, I would just like to say that it was totally Draco's fault." I raise my arms in defense and Lucius gives me an exasperated look.

"Was not." Draco mutters and turns to face me.

"Was too." I retort while crossing my arms.


"WAS TOO!" We both tackle each other to the ground and I get him in a secure headlock. Around us people start to laugh and we continue to bicker and roll around on the ground.

"ENOUGH! Both of you get up and stop disgracing the family name with your foolish antics." Lucius scolds and pulls us up by our robes. Giving us both a sneer he grabs my hand forcefully while Narcissa softly intertwines hers with Draco. Preparing to apparate I close my eyes and a nauseous feeling overcomes me.

Looking back up I see my home standing before me and inwardly sigh. This was going to be a long break, especially with the mystery of the cassette that was currently hidden in my robes.

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