Chapter 2 -Our new guests-

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Everyone quickly exited the train and I was no exception as I practically sprinted towards the great hall. As I saw the floating candles and tables packed with students my body instantly relaxed and I assured myself that Dumbledore would explain the dementors appearance on the train. I made my way over to the Slytherin table and took a seat between Draco and Adrian Pucey. A few minutes into the sorting hats annual song I heard my little brother whisper over to Gryfifndor table.

"Potter, is it true you fainted, I mean you actually fainted." Draco let out a laugh as Blaise pretended to faint next to him.

"Shove off Malfoy." Ron spat while turning Harry back to their conversation

"Let them be Draco, their probably still trying to recover from pissing themselves." I exclaim rather loudly for the Gryffindors to hear. It wasn't that I particularly like to be a bitch but insulting the Malfoy name is practically like insulting me. I also liked to watch the younger Weasley turn bright red and look towards his daft older sibling for help.

"Oh please Rees, I wouldn't be surprised if you pissed yourself the way you came stumbling into our compartment like a child. In fact I thought I saw a little run down your leg, isn't that right George." Fred looked to his sibling for confirmation as the Gryffindors let out a laugh.

"Is this some perverted way of getting me to show you the back of my skirt for proof or are you just a natural at telling blatant lies. If anything you were the one shaking like a leaf and looking for your dear old mummy." The rest of the Slytherins howl with laughter and I turn around as Dumbledore starts to speak.

"I'm sure that some of you may be curious about your encounter with the Dementors on the train.The reason for this unfortunate encounter is due to the ministry's orders. Since the escape of Sirius Black the minister thought it wise to place dementors around the grounds.Much to my dismay ,they will remain present until the prisoner is found.Now since that's out of the way I want to share some exciting news.I would like to introduce your new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher Professor Lupin." A scraggly looking man with scars across his face briefly nodded to the crowd with a small smile.

Once Dumbledore was done speaking I started piling food onto my plate. My mouth watered at the site of the delicious food and I started to shovel it into my mouth as though I hadn't eaten in days. The rest of the table was immersed in conversation about the Azkaban escapee. I couldn't help but mentally face palm myself for being such a baby about the dementors.

Of course they were looking for Black, it was daft of me to think otherwise.I finished up my food rather quickly and headed back to my dormitory. Since there was no room with the other fifth year girls I was forced to room with Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass. I started to unpack my trunk and hang up all my posters.

" I don't know why you listen to that ridiculous muggle music Delilah." Daphne sneered when taking a glance at my posters.

" Hey just because you don't have any music taste it doesn't mean that I have to suffer.Besides muggle music is the best if you would just give it a try."

"Whatever just don't let Lucius find out, I bet he would make you leave the manor." Pansy reminds me as she makes her way over to her bed . She was right, if anyone besides a few of the Slytherins knew I was a lover of all things muggle it would have dire consequences.

Although Slytherins aren't as bad as everyone seems,there is still slight prejudice in our house regarding blood status.This was mostly due to everyone's parents that have engraved the mindset into us since were young. I on the other hand didn't give a damn  about my blood or anyone else's.I mean it's all red so what's the fucking difference ?

Once my posters were all hanging on the wall I kicked off my shoes and laid myself down on the bed.Daphne and Pansy started to talk about third year drama and I rolled over on my side not bothering to listen to their gossip. Sleep overtook me and my quiet snores soon filled the room.

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