Rachel Smith

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        I woke up by some strange wall close to blacking out once again, but then I see some hazy figures running towards me.What the hell? It was to late to start thinking as I blacked out again, I awoke in a small cot my feet hanging over the edge. What am I doing here, and why cant I move?! "Don't be alarmed." a female voice sounded above me. I couldn't see due to a black blindfold covering my eyes. " What's your name child?" 
"Rachel Smith, who are you? I replied"

"I'm the Sargent, but that does not matter to you."

" I should think it does it is my name your asking for."

"Stop asking me silly questions Rachel!That is not why I'm here."

"Then why are you here?"

"To figure out why you didn't come with your parents Rachel. You also had a stomach wound that was infected."

"Well I don't care. Get this stupid blindfold off of me!" I demanded.

"How dare you! I am you superior Rachel tell me who your parents are!" She yelled

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