Chapter 14: Love in the Cold Spring

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As usual, Lan Zhan wakes up at 5am in the morning.

He got up and looked at his lovely husband, who was sound asleep. In the past, he always find ways to get Wei Ying to wake up at the same time as him, but no matter what he did, such as shaking him, putting him into a bathtub, telling him he bought Emperor's Smile, even tickling him, it was to no avail. Even if Wei Ying woke up, he would go back to sleep real fast. 

Eventually, Lan Zhan gave up. Back then, although Wei Ying looked so peaceful and sound asleep that one would feel bad disturbing his sleep, Lan Zhan would force himself to ignore it and try to change his husband's sleeping habits, but after so much failures, he did not try anymore. Wei Ying still looks peaceful and sound asleep even up till now, but this time, Lan Zhan decided to give in to his desires. He smiled and kissed Wei Ying's cheek, and pulled the blanket over him, to cover him more. Then, he got up and washed up, got change and begin to do his things. 

For the next few hours, Lan Zhan read his book, graded papers and wrote some notes. It was already noon, but Wei Ying was still asleep. Lan Zhan, worried that it may affect Wei Ying's body if his lunch time is not a regular time, shook Wei Ying awake. 

Lan Zhan, "Wei Ying, its almost time for lunch. Wake up."

Wei Ying, "Mhmm...five more minutes..."

Lan Zhan always told himself to harden his heart when he really needs to wake Wei Ying up, such as for meal times, however, he couldn't resist again because of how cute Wei Ying moaned when his sleep was disturb, and the way he turned his body and cuddle himself, curled up like a ball, is really too adorable. It is always like that.

Lan Zhan smiled, "Okay...five more minutes." He kissed Wei Ying's cheek.

Five minutes later, he shook Wei Ying awake again. 

Wei Ying, "Mhmm...five more minutes..."

Lan Zhan, "Five minutes has just passed..."

Wei Ying, "Another five more minutes..."

Lan Zhan then pulled Wei Ying up to make him in a sitting position on the bed, but Wei Ying fell on Lan Zhan's shoulder and continued to sleep, breathing in and out.

Lan Zhan thought to himself, how cute. "Wei Ying, come, go wash up."

Wei Ying, "Lan Er gege can help me..."

Lan Zhan smiled, "Okay." 

He carried Wei Ying, helped him wash up and bathed him. After taking a bath, Wei Ying felt more awake. Lan Zhan was finally able to see Wei Ying's beautiful eyes, and he always found himself lost in that sight. It was too beautiful and adorable, the way Wei Ying always look at him. 

After taking a bath, Lan Zhan wiped dry Wei Ying's hair. Wei Ying always loves it when Lan Zhan does this for him. He did not know why, but he just loves it. Finally, he helped Wei Ying to put on his outer robes.

Lan Zhan left the Jingshi to get lunch for the both of them, while Wei Ying stayed in the Jingshi to drink the Emperor's Smile. He was also casually looking at the book that Lan Zhan was reading earlier and the papers of the disciples that he was grading earlier. Finding them of no interest, he continued to drink Emperor's Smile. 

Lan Zhan returned shortly and placed the dishes on the table. There were two bowls of rice, with stir fried cabbage and mushrooms, sliced fish with ginger and two bowls of egg and cabbage soup. Lan Zhan then took a small jar of chili sauce. He never forgets this very important item. A few days ago, when Lan Zhan took Wei Ying out to explore the common people town, Wei Ying whined about getting the chili sauce as he could not survive without any spicy food, as the food in the Cloud Recesses are too plain and tasteless for him. Lan Zhan agreed to get it for him so that he could add it to his food, and earned a hug and peck on the cheek from his husband. 

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