Chapter 2: I will protect you

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"Uncle! Please don't!"


"Uncle! Please! Stop! He's injured!"


"Wei Ying...don't worry...I will protect matter what...I will never hand you over to them..."


Wei Ying woke up. The first thing he saw was his husband sleeping peacefully, his chest heaving up and down, with soft and almost unoticeable breaths, warm arms firmly wrapped around Wei Ying's shoulders. "What was that?" Wei Ying thought to himself. It felt like a dream to him, but at the same time, it wasn't. Wei Ying was still feeling sleepy, so he slowly closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

"Hand him over and come with us!"


"You--! Have you...or did he threaten...?!"

"I am doing this of my own heart's intent."


"Wei Ying..."

"Wei Ying..."

"Wei Ying...I love you..."

Wei Ying opened his eyes again. The Jingshi seems to be much brighter now. He turned to see that Lan Zhan was not sleeping next to him, like the previous time when he woke up. Wei Ying slowly came to his senses. "Again?" He thought to himself. He suddenly remembered what ZeWu-Jun said to him about Lan Zhan, back at the GuanYin Temple. He shook his head, "No, it cannot be a dream...I...I have to find Lan Zhan." Wei Ying flipped off the blanket that was covering him and left the JingShi. "Hey hey! Why are you running? Running is prohibited in the Cloud Recesses." Wei WuXian turned to realise that the person talking to him is Lan JingYi, along with Lan SiZhui beside him. "JingYi, have you seen Lan Zhan?" "Hanguang-Jun? No, we have not seen him." JingYi replied. Lan SiZhui gave Wei WuXian a worried look. "Senior Wei, is something the matter?" Wei WuXian looked at Lan SiZhui and shook his head, "Oh, no, nothing's the matter. I will take my leave first." He saluted to them and vice versa, and they went their separate ways. Wei WuXian went to a few places in the Cloud Recesses, but was unable to find Lan WangJi. Therefore, he decided to go back to the JingShi and wait for him. When he opened the door, he saw that Lan WangJi was sitting at his desk, grading papers. He looked up to see that it was his husband who entered the room. "Wei Ying? I was wondering where did you go." Wei Ying immediately sat next to Lan Zhan. "Lan Zhan, what happened during the bloodbath of the Nightless City?" Lan Zhan blinked, looking confused. "Why are you suddenly asking?" Wei Ying went closer to Lan Zhan. "I...I don't know...I had a dream, but at the same time, it felt real. It appeared twice." Lan Zhan put down his brush. "What happened twice?" Wei Ying continued, "The first time, I heard your voice, you were shouting, Uncle! Please stop! He is injured! And, something along the lines of don't worry, I will protect you, I will never hand you over to them." Lan Zhan widened his eyes. "The second one, I heard Old Senior Lan scolding you and you were still defending me...then...I heard you call my said you love me..." Lan Zhan gasped. Wei Ying looked into his eyes, "Lan Zhan, did this happen? Or is it just a dream?" Lan Zhan did not answer him, but looking at his facial expression, he can tell it definitely wasn't a dream. "Lan me in a cave didnt you?" Lan Zhan was shocked, "How did you know?" Wei Ying, "ZeWu-Jun told me, when you were on the way to the GuanYin Temple..." Wei Ying held Lan Zhan's hands, "Lan Zhan, so are all these true? Did you hide me in a cave? Did you confess to me there?" Lan Zhan knodded, "Mn. But, you said you dont remember anything." Wei Ying, "I don't, but, I think bits and pieces of my memory is coming back." Wei Ying held Lan Zhan's hand slightly tighter. "Lan Zhan, I want to hear it from you. What exactly happened at the Nightless City? Will you please tell me? All that I do not know, will you tell me?" Lan Zhan pulled Wei Ying up, and guided him to the bed. The two of them sat down on the bed, still holding hands.

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