Chapter 15: A Letter to you

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When Wei Ying woke up, he realized that Lan Zhan was not by his side. It was already 12pm. He thought Lan Zhan went out to get lunch for him, but then he spotted a note on the table. He rubbed his eyes as he was still feeling sleepy. After he was slightly more awake, he picked up the paper. 

"Wei Ying, I had to leave because I woke up and I saw the Gusu Lan Sect emergency signal. I am afraid some disciples are in trouble, so I have to go.  Sorry I left so soon, but I will be back before you know it. I love you.

Lan Zhan "

Wei Ying closed the letter and did not give it much thought. He went out to get some food as he was hungry. Knowing him who cannot live without spicy food, he went outside of Cloud Recesses to get spicy food. He only ate the food in Gusu with Lan Zhan because he did not want to trouble him to cook special meals for him or go all the way, outside of the Cloud Recesses just to get food that suits his taste. 

He sneakily brought food back to the Jingshi and ate his lunch. It was spicy pork ribs, spicy stir fried cabbage and mushroom and spicy tofu with rice. He slowly enjoyed his food. 

Once he finished eating, he realised the Jingshi smelled of spiciness. 

Wei Ying thought to himself, "Oh no. I better open the windows, or else Lan Zhan will not be able to take it." 

He got up and opened the window and let the spiciness slowly flow out of the window. The cold wind blew into the Jingshi. The breeze felt really comfortable. 

The wind was so strong that it caused Wei Ying's bangs to tickle his eyes. He squinted his eyes and rubbed them. Then, he heard some tud sounds.

A bunch of papers have fallen to the floor! 

Wei Ying, "Oh no!"

Just when Wei Ying was about to quickly get them, some of them flew further away. 

Wei Ying, "Oh my god, for crying out loud!"

He quickly grabbed all the papers and quickly put them back to where they belong. He closed the windows and left it open a little, enough for the spiciness to escape and enough for the cold wind to come in. 

Then, he spotted something white on the floor.

It was not a piece of paper. It was an envelope.

No wonder it did not fly away. 

Wei Ying picked it up. He had no intentions on invading on Lan Zhan's privacy, even though they are married now. The papers he picked up earlier, he only focused on grabbing them and quickly putting them back. He did not read anything.

He was planning to do the same for this envelope, but when he picked it up, what was facing the floor, was now facing him.

"To: Wei Ying"

Wei Ying, "Hm? For me? Lan Zhan wrote me a letter?" 

But that's strange. If Lan Zhan wrote him a letter, why didn't he say anything? Did he perhaps forgotten that he wrote this letter? 

Wei Ying opened the envelope and took out the letter. He unfolded it and begun to read it. 

"Wei Ying,

I know this is ridiculous of me, to be writing this to you when you will not read it. After a long time, I finally accepted that you have passed away, but I am still mourning for you."

Wei Ying was shocked. Lan Zhan wrote this 13 years ago?

"Things have not been the same after you left. There is no one to joke with me anymore, and I actually missed that alot. 

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