Chapter 16: In the end, it all turned out well.

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Hello everyone! I am very sorry for not updating for a really long time. There were big changes in my life and I did not have motivation to continue this story and I ran out of ideas as well. However, many of you reached out to me to continue the story, and therefore, I decided to write one last chapter. I took a while to think of something, so I apologise for the long wait. Thank you for your support for this story. I hope you enjoy this last chapter :)

Wei Ying "Lan Er gege, can you play the zither for me?"

Lan Zhan "Why?"

Wei Ying "I just feel like listening to Lan Er Gege's playing!"

Lan Zhan smiled, "Pft. Okay"

He started to play the song "WangXian", using his zither

//imagine Wangxian song in zither instrumental

As Wei Ying was listening the the soothing music, he observed Lan Zhan's sideview of his face. His eyelashes were long and beautiful, and each time it blinked, it looked like a butterfly fluttering. He had a smile on his face as well, making him look even more beautiful and handsome. Wei Ying then went on to look at his hands. His fingers were long and slender, looking very attractive as they move around the zither strings.

Wei Ying felt fluffy on the inside. He thought to himself "I love Lan Zhan so much..."

He leaned onto Lan Zhan's shoulder. Lan Zhan looked over at Wei Ying lying on him, smiling at what just happened, and continue to play the zither.

After he was done, Wei Ying suddenly felt like teasing him. "Er gege, your fingers are so long and slender. They look really beautiful when you play the zither."

Lan Zhan "Mhm."

Wei Ying, "And these are the long fingers that also fingered me and made me feel good."

Lan Zhan blushed hardly and was about to say something, but Wei Ying cut in immediately.

Wei Ying "Shameless!"

Lan Zhan was silent.

Wei Ying started laughing, "HAHAHA! I knew you were gonna say that!"


Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were startled.

Wei Ying "Isnt that Little Apple? Lets go see whats wrong."



Wei Ying "Shut the fuck up Little Apple! Do you want to wake the entire Cloud Recesses?!"

Lan Zhan gave Little Apple an apple and finally he was quiet and settled down.

Wei Ying "So turns out he was just hungry."

Wei Ying felt something tucking at the bottom of his robes. He looked down and saw that it was a rabbit. His heart melted at the extremely adorable sight.

Wei Ying "Awww arent you a cutie!"

More rabbits surrounded the couple. They played with the rabbits together.

Wei Ying "Lan Zhan, you really need to be more honest with yourself. Back then, you said you didnt want them, and now you adopted so many rabbits? If you like them so much you should have said so!"

Lan Zhan looked away, blushing.

Wei Ying, "Lan Zhan, tell me the truth."

Lan Zhan "Hm?"

Wei Ying, "You drank Emperor's Smile, you branded your chest with the Qishan Wen's sect iron brand, you kept the flower I threw at you back then, you kept the portrait I drew for you when I had to copy the Gusu Lan Sect rules, you bought a rattle drum toy, you adopted much did you miss me?"

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