Chapter 7: Inquiry

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Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were cuddling with each other on the bed in the Jingshi.

Wei Ying, "Lan Zhannnnn...I was really lonely last night you know. You better give me more cuddles today..." He spoke as he snuggled up to hubby more and hugged him tighter.

Lan Zhan smiled and hugged him tightly, "Sure, as much as you want." He rubbed his back. "You could not fall asleep?"

Wei Ying shook his head and buried his face into Lan Zhan's chest, "No...See? Point proven, I am really unable to sleep without you. I was tossing and turning almost the whole night."

Lan Zhan smiled again and kissed his forehead. "I feel the same way." Wei Ying felt the strong arms holding him were even tighter. Then, something caught his eye. The guqin, lying on the table, came to his attention. He then remembered, that Lan XiChen told him that Lan Zhan played Inquiry for 13 years, hoping to find his soul. With how tightly he hugs Wei Ying every night to sleep, Wei Ying can imagine just how much Lan Zhan missed him during the 13 years, and that his greatest fear now is losing him again. He is so afraid of it, and is so happy that Wei Ying is finally back, and is in love with him as well. His true feelings, reached out to Wei Ying, it can be felt in the strong arms that held him tightly yet lovingly and gently.

Wei Ying looked up. Lan Zhan's eyes were close. "Lan Zhan." There was no answer. "Is it true? For 13 years, did you play Inquiry for me?" Lan Zhan's eyes slowly opened, and looked back at Wei Ying. They looked at each other for a while, before Lan Zhan replied, "Mn." Wei Ying, "Why did you do it? And, for so long?" Lan Zhan sat up, gently pulling Wei Ying up as well. He held his hands, and spoke in a sincere tone. "To help you, and protect you."

Wei Ying cupped Lan Zhan's cheeks, "During all those years...there were many things you wanted to say to me right?"

Lan Zhan, "Mn."

Wei Ying, "Its a shame I didn't hear any of them. I was ripped to pieces, so my soul was ripped to pieces too. I didn't even know where I was. When I was reborn, I didn't even know 13 years has passed..."

Lan Zhan held the hand that was on his cheek. Wei Ying looked at him, and smiled, "Lan Zhan, I am here now. Whatever you wanted to say to me during the 13 years, I am all ears now. I promise I will not forget a single thing you say."

Lan Zhan smiled and knodded. Wei Ying knew he was not hallucinating this time, when he saw the beautiful eyes became a little teary. He knew, that Lan WangJi was always a man of few words, and he barely expresses his feelings, and says what he truly feels inside. But even so, Wei Ying knew, how happy he is, to finally be able to tell him, what he was never able to back then. He can finally let out his feelings that he bottled up for 13 years.

Back then, after years of trying, Lan WangJi soon began to realise that, no matter how many times he plays Inquiry, the soul he is looking for, will not answer him. Yet, he still refused to give up. He always had this slight hope left in him, that someday, Wei Ying will definitely hear what he has to say. And here he is now, sitting infront of him, waiting for him to speak.

*Flashback, at the mountains behind the Cloud Recesses*

Lan WangJi walked slowly, as his injuries still have not healed from the 33 whips. He hugged his guqin, so that he would not further injured his back, delaying the healing. He sat gently on the ground. He took a deep breath. He did not know if this was going to work, but he still wanted to try. Normally, the first two and most common questions when playing inquiry is "Who are you" and "Who killed you", but there was no need for it in this situation. Lan WangJi already knows Wei WuXian personally, and he was not killed by anyone, not even Jiang Cheng, so he proceeded to ask other questions, or in other words, as if he wants to talk to Wei WuXian.

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