Chapter 13: Incense Burner: Modern Day

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Hello everyone! I am so so sorry this one took a while! I have been really busy with work and school! Thank you so much for waiting! Today's chapter will be special and different one to make up for it! Enjoy!

When Wei WuXian woke up, he flew out of bed immediately. Lan WangJi's hair is short?! How come? Why was he not in the JingShi? He was with Lan WangJi in a way too unfamiliar place. It looked nothing like the JingShi. Why did the room look so fancy? The bed is extremely soft, and the pillow is in a different shape? I thought all pillows are round? Why is this rectangular? And how can the bed be so bouncy? Wei WuXian scratched his head, and realised his hair was short too! He panicked and ran to the mirror. He immediately could not recognise himself. He looked as if he took a sword and sliced off all his hair.

And what was he wearing? Where are his robes?

Suddenly, a system popped out infront of his face.

System, "Greetings Wei WuXian, I am a system at your service. Do you have any questions?"

Wei WuXian, "Yes Yes! First of all, where am I?"

System, "You are in a hotel."

Wei WuXian, "What is a hotel?"

System, "It is a place where you stay overnight."

Wei WuXian, "Isn't that the same as an Inn? Anyway, why is Lan Zhan and my hair so short?!"

System, "You are in the modern day era. Men with long hair is not allowed."

Wei WuXian, "Huh? So this is the future? Who was it that made the rules that men cannot have long hair? I WILL HUNT THAT PERSON DOWN! I LOVE MY LONG HAIR!"

System, "..."

Why is he here? Did he and Lan Zhan transmigrate into the future? He was so confused.

Wei WuXian, "Then...what are these clothes?"

System, "Jacket, shirt, pants."

Wei WuXian, "What?"

System, "The red one you are wearing is called a shirt. The outer one is called a jacket. The black one on your legs are called pants."

Wei WuXian, "They even came out names for each piece of clothing?! Seriously, what is wrong with the future? Why can't we stick to just robes huh? Outer and inner robes! So simple! Whats with shirts...pants...jackshirt?"

System, "Jacket."

Wei WuXian, "Whatever!"

System, "Thats not all. Girls have it more complicated. They have skirts, dresses and crop tops."

What the hell are all these?! They sound like alien language to me!

"Wei Ying?"

Wei WuXian turned around. "Oh, Lan Zhan."

Lan WangJi, "...where are we? What happened to our hair?"

Wei WuXian, "It seems like we are in the future. It must be the incense burner. Hanguang-Jun, when we get back, you need a new one. How da heck did we transmigrate into so far into the future? This is like 1000 years later!!"

Lan WangJi, "..."

Wei WuXian, "System, tell us, how do we get out of here?"

System, "You and Lan WangJi need to use those items on the table."

Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi turned around. They looked confused.

Wei WuXian, "What are those?"

System, "Sex toys."

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