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"Guess there's no more hello left Bretty. Goodbye, love."

Eddy coughed up blood, his chest paining like it had been stabbed multiple times. Eddy's vision blurred, as a similar ringtone flew up to his ears. Eddy smiled, knowing who called his phone, it had rung five times already.

His car was upside down, while the other one was on fire. Eddy's left hand was stuck underneath the passenger seat. His mobile phone was at the back, vibrating and ringing.

Eddy inhaled, breath staggering. His nimble fingers dripping hot crimson, his leg was stuck at an angle, bending it backwards. He screamed in pain, as a piece of glass cut into his skin. The airbags had saved his life, but not for long.

Distant sirens of police cars and ambulances came into his ears, as again his phone rang. Soft hums of  Tchaikovsky eased him, knowing his beloved had finally called. "I'm sorry Bretty, this is my fault. I'm so-"

Eddy's vision blackened, as his eyelids dropped down. Breaths devilishly slow, it hurt to breathe. His shoulder felt like it was being etched out.

Time had slowed down during the crash, the other speeding car was coming closer by the second. Eddy was sitting in shock, unable to control anything. Everything had occurred in a jiffy, but to Eddy it seemed like hours. His life flashed by, soft tinkle-like laughter flooded his ears, hot and heavy sounds of breathing of his dear beloved filled his mind. A phrase: "I love you, Eddy." repeated over and over in his head.

His hands itched for contact with the all-too-familiar milky smooth skin, his own lips quivered to feel the hot pink lips of his husband, slowly enveloping his, caressing them the softest way possible. His scalp felt like it was burning, begging for a friendly brush by his husband's long fingers. His neck tried to remember all the sweet kisses, loving bites and fanning breathes it ever received. His calloused, worked out and paining fingers cried in exhaustion, just to hold onto the petite waist; one last time.

Hot tears streamed down Eddy's face. A last kiss, a hug, anything - any form of goodbye. He prayed to heavens and hell, to anyone who could even listen, just to hold his Brett in his arms, one last time. To apologise and to forgive, to make up; one last chance.

His body felt light, like it would start to elevate, except a certain finger. And he knew; his life's portrait was finished, all the colours on the palette was used up. Eddy knew he had no 'tomorrow' left.

His brain blocked every other thought, except one; Brett.

"I do."
"M'love you."
"Happy anniversary Ed"
"Happy birthday!"
"Congratulations on the win!"
"I'm ready,"
"Can I get the original bubble tea and a kiss, please?"
"Dinner's ready."
"Let's go to sleep."
"You know I love you right?"
"Come back soon."
"Don't leave for too long."
"I'll miss you, 'kay?"

"Eddy Chen, emergency contact Brett Chen, husband. Doctor Mary, Brett is not picking up the phone call, we have been trying for twenty minutes. The police just handed over this packet, it has sir Eddy's phone, shall we ring him from that?" The receptionist spoke to her senior, expression grim. "Yes you may."

"H-he-hello, E-Eddy?"

"Babe, I'm sorry to lash out like that, please come back home. I'll wait for you to come back from London and then we can go to Korea. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, I won't ever shout like that. Eddy please retu-"

"I'm sorry sir but is this Brett Chen?"

Hello, Brett.Where stories live. Discover now