The Mortal Cup

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'You ready Boo?' Alec looked up from the ground to face the girl opposite him.

'Of course I am.' Chuckling smugly Brooklyn flicked her long blonde hair to the back of her back.

Bending both of their legs the pair jumped up, their feet landing steadily onto the ceiling of a building above.

Jace, Isabelle, Alec and Brook stood on the top of the stable structure before giving each other a reassuring nod. In synchronisation the four of them eagerly jumped back down to the ground with perfect posture.

About to enter the nightclub 'pandemonium' the red lights flickered on and off. Insinuating the word 'demon'

The group were on a mission to check out some suspicious activity. The demons had began killing mundanes and draining their blood for some unknown reason. Thus far they'd only come across vampires that drained human blood.

'Hey, can you watch where you're going!' A fiery red head turned to face Jace after he bumped into her.

'She can see you?' Brook's mouth fell wide open with which. Humans were mostly oblivious to Shadowhunters, except for the odd exceptions but it wasn't encountered frequently.

Jace looked back at his sister in just as much of a confused state she was in.

Quickly they shook the events off and entered the club. An excited bustle settled in the crowd. Screams and shouts could be heard over the loud music, Isabelle smiled seductively at every man she came across, her platinum blonde wig bobbing about with every movement. The other three had opted to go disguise free, but Isabelle always loved to draw attention to herself.

Entering a private part of the nightclub the guards quickly granted the young people access, discreetly closing the citrus green curtains behind them.

'Izzy.' With a simple word Jace instructed Isabelle to do what she was here for.

Her high heels pattered in the hard floor with every step, gracefully stepping onto a platform the girl swept the wig off of her head. Gorgeous dark locks cascaded freely as Isabelle began to dance as sexily as possible.

Alec turned away from the show as other men's hungry eyes preyed on his sisters figure. Their demonic eyes glowed with excitement.

Jace was somewhere in the distance with a particularly good looking demonic woman, attempting to pry information out of her.

'Hey doll.' A slimy mans hands had found their way to Brook's slim waist and eventually down to lower regions of her petite body.

'Hey asshole.' Before Brooklyn had even a chance of responding Alec's elbow had made a connection with the old demons nose. The room descended into chaos as the Shadowhunters began to fight back.

Servers demons were met with the fate of Bonnie's dagger, she was an expert in the combat she'd trained so hard for.

'Be careful!' Jace's overpowering voice could be heard over the chaos catching his sisters attention.

Once again the same redhead from outside had found her way into the secluded corner of the club.

'Her again?' Brooklyn muttered under her breath. Distracted by the disturbance a demon took this chance to sweep her off her feet. Falling with a thud she was straddled beneath the monster.

Alec's quick reactions meant her life was spared as he flung the demon off of her body as if he was as light as a father.

'How many times have I gotta save your life tonight Boo?' His plump lips were upturned into a cheeky smirk.

'The same amount as I've got to save yours.' Cockily throwing her sharp dagger it made a swift impact with the demon who was approaching Alec from behind.

Demons from all areas of the room disintegrated into nothing as the Shadowhunters weapons pierced through their skin.

'What's Jace doing bringing her back here?' Brook put special emphasis on the 'her' hoping the young girl would know she wasn't welcome.

It was later that night, luckily the demon problem had been sorted and each sadistic soul had been destroyed at the hands of daggers, whips and bow and arrows. No thanks to the redhead that now sat in the middle of the room.

'There shouldn't even be a mundane here.' Alec agreed with the bitter blonde.

'Where is 'here' exactly?' The unidentified girl questioned.

'She's not a mundane Alec.' Jace ignored the question.

'How do you know that?' Brook asked her brother.

'Because the seraph blade lit up when she touched it.' Jace justified his theory. The seraph blade was his weapon of choice, their weapons only lit up when a Shadowhunter handled it. 'I'm Jace Wayland.'

'I'm, uh.' She was just about to introduce herself when Jace interrupted her.

'Clary Fray. We know who you are.'

'Am I the only one that finds this unusual?' Alec spoke up. It wasn't normal procedure  for a human to take so much of Jace's attention.

'You find everything unusual, Alec.' It was common practise for the two boys to bicker like brothers, they'd practically grown up together anyway.

'I have to report this to the Clave.' The dark haired boy threatened to tell a higher authority, Alec had always been a rule follower.

'You know what? Dial it down a notch.' Jace snapped back.

'My brother doesn't have a dial. I love you Alec, but you have a switch that's always on.' Isabelle spoke up for the first time.

I love you too, but this - ' Alec was interrupted by a defensive Jace.

'Hey you know what? Give me a minute. Here's a word you never hear me say, please.'

'What is with you!' Alec threw his hands up in frustration.

'Come on Alec.' Brook  intertwined their arms and attempted to drag the stubborn boy away.

'No really, what is with him?'

'Let's goooo.' She once again pulled him along as she dragged out her words. This time luckily the boy didn't object.

'We don't know this girl, there's no such thing as new shadowhunters.' Whilst they were walking away the annoyed boy continued on with the defiance.

'Well maybe there is, just this once.' Brooklyn tried to reason with him.

'You don't find that strange?'

'Maybe. Anyway we still don't know who's buying the blood from the demons, maybe you can focus on that instead of Clary?' The other party thought realistically, Clary had withdrawn the whole mission.

'I could always find something else to focus on.' His eyes wandered to her lips flirtatiously. Licking his lips Brooklyn's heart began to thump.

'Yeah okay.' A nervous laugh escaped her lips as she sarcastically replied to the boy.

What was that about?

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