The Descent Into Hell Isn't Easy

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'What is going on? Why is there a mundane in the institute?' Alec and Brook strolled over to where Jace was with Clary and another unknown boy.

The institute was where all the Shadowhunters of that region resided, everyone knew everyone so it was clear to see this boy wasn't familiar with the others.

'A circle member followed him to get to Clary.' Jace sighed.

'I see Clary is still making things go wrong here then.' Brook scowled at the girl who stood before her.

'Boo, can you just be nice?' Jace asked his sister, using her most common nickname. Since she was little everyone had adapted to boo, she hated it from a young age but growing older the girl just got used to it.

'Her names Boo?' Clary asked with a underlying bitchy tone.

'My names Brooklyn. And Jace is my brother.' A sniffer fell out of Brooke's lips as Clary flushed red with embarrassment.

'I didn't know you two were brother and sister.' She admitted.

'And is this your boyfriend, Clary?' Brook gestured over to the nerdy boy to her side. Brooklyn already knew everything about her, he was her best friend but the mischievous girl was rather enjoying the embarrassment Clary felt in front of Jace.

From just the one day this girl had been around it was clear she had a thing for Jace, Giggling like a school girl around him and playing with her hair. All the cliche things.

'It was a circle rune last night, like the ones that took my mother.' Clary ignored the last question and reverted back to the original topic.

'What exactly is a circle member, and why are they trying to kill us.' Simon, Clary's mundane friend, pushed his glasses up nervously as he asked.

The circle were a group of shadowhunters led by Valentine Morgenstern, they rebelled against the clave, which are the shadowhunters authorities. They had circle runes engraved deep into their necks making them easy recognisable to the organisation.

'All we know is a long time the circle members started a revolt, a lot of Shadowhunters were killed. Including my father.'

Brooklyn gulped as Jace explained the tragedy, it was still very raw for her their fathers death.

'And since the revolt we've been forbidden to ever bear about the circle.' Alec finished off the explanation for the twins.

'But how is that even possible? It's your history.' Clary couldn't believe that the subject would be silenced.

Jace scoffed at her. 'Says the girl who didn't know she was a Shadowhunter?'

'Yeah, yeah you're right. And the only person who knows the truth is missing, so I don't care about your rules or what's forbidden, I'm...there's got be someone out there who can tell us why they've taken my mother.' Stressing out Clary began to raise her voice.

Her mother was kidnapped yesterday by the circle member and unluckily Clary has no recollection of anything supernatural, up until yesterday she knew nothing.

'There is, you coming?' Jace had already started to walk off.

Clary followed after leading Simon to do so also.

'No no no, not you.' Pushing him by the shoulder Jace made it clear he wasn't invited.

'Hey, we're a package deal.' Clary defended his honour.

'There are runes all over the training room floor that will kill your mundie boyfriend.' Jace mocked him.

Runes, also known as Marks, are symbols that grant beings various supernatural abilities, with both angelic and demonic runes known to exist. For Shadowhunters, runes are a complex runic language given to them by the Angel Raziel, which grants them powers beyond those of mundanes. Runes are burned into Shadowhunters' skin using steles, and are their most common tool in their fight against demons.

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