Bad Blood.

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'Alec, what are you doing? You can stare at this monitor all you want but they need angel blood to even get past the wards. You know that. No downworlder can come into the institute.'

Alec cautiously watched over the monitors which looked over the outside world. He was nervous of demons making their way into their institution after the swarm of them yesterday. Jace was trying to reassure him but the older boy didn't take his eyes off of the screen.

'Not without an invite from a Shadowhunter.'
Wisely Izzy noted.

'Last I checked Valentine is a Shadowhunter. The cup is not safe here. We have to give it back to the clave.' Rule follower Alec sparked up a heated discussion between him and Clary.

'Give it back to the clave? No. Not after everything we went through to get it.'

'Alec is right Clary. The cup is extremely important.' Brooklyn defended making Clary huff.

'This cup is the one chance I have at getting my mum back!'

Jace didn't shock anyone with his words. 'I agree with Clary.'

'Oh there's a surprise.' His sister sarcastically spoke making him frown her way.

'We can't give the cup to the clave, not now. We need it. It's our only bargaining chip.' He continued his attempt at convincing the others.

'Look, I know how powerful this cup is. It has the power to create nee Shadowhunters, control demons and even kill a mundane if they drank from it. But I promise you, I will not let that monster get his hands on it.' Clary spoke animated.

'There you go. You have her word.' Finalised her number one fan, Jace.

'Follow me.' Instructed Alec as Clary did so.

He locked the cup away in the rune that also held her mother's necklace which only he had access to.

A loud beeping startled everyone as the monitor began to warn them.

'What is that?' Asked Brooklyn. She rushed over to where Alec watched the monitor.

'There's something outside the perimeter.' Confirmed Izzy.

'I told you - '

'Don't say it!' Jace interrupted his parabatai.

'What's happening?' Clary was alarmed.

'Looks like someone's trying to break in, it could be the circle.' Brooklyn's voice remained calm but inside she was a wreck. It wasn't good news.

The four original Shadowhunters rushed to investigate and after a short meltdown Clary followed suit.

The night was dark and Misty, the wind hit Brooklyn in the face like a ton of bricks making the hairs on her skin stand.

'Don't move! Drop what you're holding and put your hands up.' Alec instructed the intruder once the shadowy figure came into sight.

All of them had their weapons at the ready for if the stranger didn't oblige. 

Stepping forward from the darkness the figure came into sight horrifying Clary and shocking the rest.

It was Raphael, the vampire from Hotel Dumort, and in his hands he carried a frail looking Simon.

'Simon!' Screamed Clary as she stepped forward to investigate.

'No dont touch him.' Brooklyn ordered, they had no idea what was wrong with him. 'Boys get him inside!'

They laid Simon down gently on a table, Raphael carefully placed a book behind his head to prop it up.

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