Major Arcana

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'Alec. Alexander!' Brooklyn was disturbed from her sleep with shouting and banging on the door, aimed for Alec's room a few doors down.

'Wait maybe he's in here.' Isabelle burst through the door without a knock. They were comfortable enough around each other, but now was not the right time. By "maybe he's in here" Brooklyn was sure she meant talking and nothing else.

Izzy's eyes opened wide like saucers and her mouth fell open almost to the floor at the sight of a sleeping Alec in her bed, least of all with no clothes on.

'Oh no he's not. Don't go in dad, she's just getting changed.' Isabelle stopped her father from entering just in time.

'Alec, alec wake up.' Brook shook him softly causing him to stir.

'Hey B.' Instantly his hands found their way to the back of her head, his fingers tangling themselves into her hair.

'We have to get up, your dads looking for you.' Keeping her voice in a quiet whisper Alec pouted at her words.

'I'm sure it's not that important.' It wasn't like Alec to put off his duties, Brooklyn liked this new side to him.

What was five more minutes anyway? She thought to herself before letting Alec distract her from the day a little more.

'Okay, we definitely need to get up now.' Her words made Alec groan. 'I'll meet you downstairs after a shower.'

Letting the hot water drip down her body Brooklyn stayed deep in thought.

What now? It was never just as easy as sex between two friends. What if it was awkward now? Was this going to go any further?

Her mind raced at a million miles per hour, it felt like her head was going to explode as regret began to sink in. She'd been friends with Alec since practically birth, she didn't want to have done anything to put their friendship in jeopardy.

She hadn't even got onto thinking about Izzy or Jace yet, they would be furious that neither of their siblings bothered to give them a heads up. They never kept secrets inside their group so this would be the first - and it's a pretty big secret.

Walking into the ops room freshly washed Brook's eyes scanned over the room, they fixtated on where Alec and Izzy stood talking to one another.

It took a few minutes of psyching herself up before she built up the courage to slowly walk over to them.

'Oh great you're here! We were just talking about you... and Alec.' Brooklyn could feel Alec's hazel eyes burning through her but she didn't look back at him. 'So guys, what the hell?' Izzy wasn't mad necessarily her voice just sounded disappointed which was possibly worse.

'Izzy I promise you that was the first time anything's ever even happened between us two.' Brooklyn hoped that her parabatai would believe her.

'Yeah, and the last.'

Brooks head snapped round with Alec's statement. Her eyebrows raised at him with a "really" look. She was majorly offended by what he'd just said, never mind how bluntly he said it. He couldn't make it anymore obvious that he felt nothing for the girl.

'Well I'm here for you guys. If something progresses into something more I'd rather you just tell me first.' Izzy's eyes were hurt and this crushed Brooklyn's heart.

'Isabelle it won't, don't worry. Right Brook?' Alec dug himself a deeper hole to the point where even Isabelle cocked her eyebrow up at him, as if to say "shut up."

'Can we keep this from Jace do you think Izzy?' Brooklyn completely ignored Alec.

Isabelle nodded her head to the question but she didn't look happy with sneaking behind Jace's back. But they all knew it was for the best, Jace knowing would split them all right down the middle.

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