Raising Hell

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'Hey Alec, you okay?' Brooklyn approached the boy from behind as he was putting his bow and arrows away in the weapons room.

'Yeah I'm okay.' Clearly he wasn't in the mood for chatting about the previous events.

'Well I'm going to my room to binge watch rubbish movies and eat a ton of ice cream, there's room for one more?'

The invitation was welcomed by Alec as they made their way to her room. The movie was about halfway between but Alec didn't seem to be paying too much attention, his eyes were staring off into the distance but not necessarily focusing on anything in particular.

'Do you think things will ever go back to normal Alec?' Brooks question snapped him out of his thoughts.

'Like what?' Scanning his eyes over her face he looked concerned.

'Jace.' Brooklyn shrugged her shoulders not wanting to expand any further but she didn't need to anyway, Alec always knew what she was thinking.

'Yeah it will, I'm sure as soon as we find this mortal cup and Clary gets back to her mum it'll all blow over.' Alec didn't seem to convinced himself as he spoke unsurely.

'I wish my dad was here, he'd know exactly what to do.' Brooklyn was always a daddy's girl, she looked up on her dad like a hero. And everyday it got harder with his absence.

'B, you're never alone. I'll always be here for you no matter what. And I know your dad will be looking down on you and admiring what a bad ass Shadowhunter of a daughter he has. He'd be nothing less than proud.'

Brooklyn's heart went fuzzy with the pep talk. 'B' was only a nickname that Alec used for her and it always felt special when he'd say it.

'I can stay if you want?' The kind boy offered earning a nod from Brook.

Alec always stayed the night on days like these, he was like Brooklyn's security blanket. Nobody in the institute knew this though besides them, not even their siblings knew to what extent their close relationship stretched to. But Brooklyn could never work out whether Alec thought of her as kind of like a little sister or something more.

Resting her head on the boys shoulder it took a matter of seconds for Brooklyn to drift off into sleep. A soft kiss on her forehead could be felt before sleep surrounded her.

A hard knock on the door woke Brooklyn up abruptly. Shaking Alec she forced him to also stir out of dreaming.

'What! It's Saturday... and 6:00am!!' Brooklyn groaned at the mystery knocker. Weekends were the one time Shadowhunters got even a slight chance of a lie in.

'I know sorry!' Isabelle's voice could be heard before the handle began to twist down indicating she was letting herself into the room.

Alec's eyes grew wide as Brooklyn pushed him off of the bed to which a small 'ouch' escaped his lips before he scuttled under the bed out of sight.

'Simon's trying to leave.' Isabelle was not at the doorway peering into the room. 'Jace asked me to wake you and Alec but I can't find him, do you know where he went?'

Mhm under the bed maybe?

'Oh no, I've not seen him. He did mention last night about possibly going for a run this morning so maybe he's done that.' Brooklyn quickly pulled a lie out of nowhere.

'Hopefully he's back soon. See you in a second.' Closing the door Isabelle restored privacy into the bedroom as Alec crawled from beneath the tight space.

'You might wanna do a couple of laps before you come down, look sweaty. Like you've just been on a run.' Brooklyn ran to the bathroom to get changed and at least look half presentable for the morning.

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