Of Men And Angels.

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'You need to get back to the institute.' Brooklyn heard Alec on the phone in the corridor as she was passing through.

'Who?' She mouthed to him and he mimed Jace's name making Brook roll her eyes, she hadn't spoken to her brother since last nights events. 'Put him on speaker.' The girl mimed whilst Alec obeyed.

'You need to help me first.' An adamant Jace spoke on the other line.

'No, I'm not messing around.' Alec spoke in a clear way.

'Me either. I need your help.' Repeating the words Jace matched Alec's forceful tone of voice.

'You okay?' Concerned now Alec asked worried. It didn't matter how mad at each other they were, they'd always be there.

'I'm fine, it's Magnus.' Brooklyn's heart dropped at the sound of that name. Why would Magnus need Alec? 'He needs yours powerful Shadowhunter energy or something like that.'

'Magnus... why does Magnus need me?'

'To help save Luke's life.' Jace was talking rather fast down the phone, eager to get it over with.

'No, I told you at the wolf den, no more downworlder business. We can be seen as interfering with a pack alpha dispute. How can you even ask me -'

Jace had enough of listening to what the boy was saying and cut him off. 'I shouldn't even have to ask, Alec. We're parabatai.'

'That's exactly my point!' Argued back Alec.

'Alec, you're a man of honor, and the only person in this world I would trust with something like this. I'm counting on you to do the right thing.'

And with that Jace hung up on the conversation hoping that Alec would meet them at Magnus's apartment.

'Oh you're the only person in the world he'd trust with something like this are you?' Brooklyn stated almost offended that no mention of his sister was even made.

'He wouldn't of meant it like that.' Reassured Alec. 'Anyway, if I have to suffer through this then so do you. Go get your weapons.' Instructing her to come along Brooklyn soon chirped up, she was happy about being invited along by Alec. And even more delighted she could watch over Magnus with her friend.

'Okay I'll come, but you have to tell your mum!' Chuckled Brooklyn before bumping into someone in the hallway. 'Oh sorry, oh Robert!!'

Alec's dad engulfed the girl in a huge hug, he was a lot more loving than Maryse had ever been. It wasn't that Maryse didn't love her, she just set unrealistic expectations that the girl couldn't reach - meaning she always found herself disappointed with Brooklyn's work.

'I missed you kid!' He kissed the top of her forehead. 'Anything you two need to tell me?' He winked over at his son whilst Alec frantically shook his head.

'Don't be silly.' The girl laughed nervously, she could feel her cheeks growing bright red. 'Anyway, is Max here?' Brooklyn scanned the corridor for the younger light wood.

'I'm right here.' Pinching her leg from behind the mysterious child giggled hysterically. Brook lovingly swung him around, she adored the bones of that little boy.

'Anyway, Alec you were teaching me that thing.. weren't you. So we best get going.' Brooklyn stumbled foolishly over a quick escape earning a confused look from Robert but he didn't question the two.

The short and brisk walk to Magnus's place was filled with pointless chit chat from the two, reminiscing old childhood memories.

'Do you remember the pact we made? When you were about 10?' Alec chuckled at the thought.

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