Chapter 1: Moving In

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Ian's POV

I look out the window to see a hot, barren California. "Can you turn on the A.C. a little higher. I'm burning to death," I whine as I give my mom a distressed look. It's the end of July and we're in the middle of a desert, how fun. "The air conditioner doesn't go any higher, Ian," my mom says in an also annoyed tone. I swear my pale skin is going to burn incredibly because of this sun. Not to mention my gross freckles are popping up on my face. I pull out my Gameboy from my back pack to take my mind of the heat. "Get off that crap Ian, it's just killing brain cells." She snaps as she wipes a bead of sweat of her forehead. I ignore my mom and just focus on the game. She tries to snatch the game out of my hand, but I maneuver away. My mom gives up and rolls her eyes at me. I smile a bit and continue to play.

A few hours later and were finally in a more suburban area, but it still has a desert like feel. I hate it when people say that California is all full of opportunities and green grass and when you turn the corner, there's Disneyland. But personally all that California has is dirt, homeless people and Sacramento. (All my California homies know what's up) We turn into a big campus. I save my Fire Emblem file on my Gameboy and slip it back into my backpack as my mom pulls into the high school's parking lot. A bunch of people are parked and unloading their suitcases. I see a kid who catches my eye. He has black emo hair and olive skin. He's sitting under the shade of a tree and is talking to a group of people surrounding him. A boy stops at him and tells him something. The emo haired boy gets up and follows him to another crowd . I stare at him as he walks away. As you can tell, yes I'm a little confused about my sexuality. My mom tells me it's just a phase, but she'll support even if it isn't. I've never hooked up with a guy, but I'm not attracted to girls and don't find much pleasure in them. I personally think I'm gay, but maybe I'm just reading to many books and watching to many movies that make me think this way.

"Ian, do you want me to get out and help you move in," my mom says as she rests her hand on my arm. I smile at her and say "I'm good!" "You're growing up so fast! I'm gonna miss you and I wish you could stay home with me." "Don't worry mom. And I understand why you can't have me home. I'm gonna miss you too though," I give her hand a quick squeeze and open the door. "Oh honey, you are the best son ever. Call me if you need anything and go to your sister's dorm if you need anything also," she starts to cry and caresses my face. "Please stay safe and go get them tiger. Don't be afraid to express yourself." "Ok! Bye mom! Love you!" I say, getting a bit anxious. I get my backpack, suitcase and pikachu pillow and exit the car. "Call me tonight when you get situated! Don't forget to go to orientation too!" My mom yells out the window and drives off as I give her a final wave good bye. I let out a huge sigh and walk to the table labeled LAST NAME: HE-LA. A bubbly blonde haired girl greets me, "Hey! Welcome to Cornerstone Private School! Last name?" "Hecox." She shuffles folders and papers, pulling out a key and a couple papers. Her name tag says Melanie Moat, Student in Training. She smiles at me and hands me a paper and a pen. "Sign this real quick and here's your room key and schedule! If you need any help finding your room just look on the map. Also orientation is at 6:00!" "Thanks," I say as I sign the paper and walk away. The quad is full of people in groups. The group in the middle seems to be the "popular rich, normal kids" to the left of them are the "nerds" and to the right is the "emos and queers". I try to not make any eye contact with anyone and scurry my way through the crowds. Occasionally I see a couple of new kids like me doing the same. I get to my building and walk in. As I enter I'm hit with a mask of men's cologne and testosterone. The lobby is decorated with sport signs and has dirty couches in a circle. In the middle of the room there's a TV and a big poster paper sign that says DORM D! NO FAGS ALLOWED!. Teen guys are throwing balls too and fro the room. The place is dirty and looks like a college guy's dorm. A loud stereo is playing ghetto rap, but all you can hear is the bass.

Great I'm rooming in the jocks and burly guy dormitory. Being that I'm skinny and short I'm a huge target to the bullies and the tough guys. I fix my hair to cover my eyes and keep my head down as I head toward my room.

In my hadst to get to my room, I bump into someone. "Wow Look where you're going idiot." I look up to see who it is. "I'm sorry." The boy wore a Legend of Zelda t-shirt and had several wrist bands on his arms. "Yea, whatever. You're just lucky you didn't bump into those guys." He pointed at the jocks who had a pale skinny kid with bleached hair in a head lock. "Shouldn't we help him!" I frantically ask glancing back at him. "It's ok, Ryan is use to it. Just saying right now," he lowers his voice "If you're gay, just prepare for the beatings." My stomach falls. "Are you?" I ask keeping my voice low as well. "Gay, Yea, How about you?" he says. "I'm not so sure, to be honest. I think I am though," I say, getting a bit happy that someone thinks somewhat how I do. "I'm David, by the way. I'm a freshman, but I've been here since I was in 7th grade." "Oh, I'm obviously new here and I'm Ian," I say, looking into his inviting eyes. "See you around then Ian," he says before giving me a smile and walking out the door. A ball hits him as he walks out and he just flips them off and keeps walking, his backpack slung across his shoulder. He seemed so cool and collected. I'm not going to fit in this school. It's gonna be a long four years.

Authors Note
Yeah so this is my new story :)

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