Chapter 18: Oblivious

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Ian's POV

I finish writing my essay, taking one last sip of my iced coffee. Great. Now just studying and I'm done. I decide to take a break and go on my phone for a little bit. Which meant I'm going to text Anthony.


A couple minutes later

A- what do u want hecocks

I- I'm bored and I miss you D:

A- Then what do you want from me?

I- help me ass

A- mmmmm ;)

I- what was that Mmmm for???

A- Thinking about your ass. It's just so big and bouncy ;D

I look around the library. My face is a dark red and a smile is plastered on my mouth.

I- You always want to find a way to get in my pants!!!

A- They don't call me the Padildo for nothing

I roll my eyes and my face becomes more tense because I can just feel the devilish smile radiating off him on the other side of the line.

I- no one calls u that dummy... At least I hope not or I'll slap a bitch

A- haha someone's a little jelly belly!!!

I- Fuck you!

A- lol! R u coming to dinner with my friends or not? Because you understand its 7:00 right?

I- maybe if u didn't make me so sore last night, I could make it to the restaurant easier.

My butt starts to hurt again just thinking about it.

A- HAHAHHAHA! I didn't think I went that hard, I promise next time I'll put u in a wheelchair and I'll get u out of PE

I- -___-


I- I love you too >_<

I put down my phone and start to put my books away in my backpack. Closing up my laptop, I go back to my room to get ready. I'll just finish studying later because it is getting a little late.

When I get to my room I see that the guys left, probably to go and do something productive for once... I quickly go and take a shower and put on a maroon sweater and some dark blue skinnies. Spraying axe all over me, I start to go out the door. I take one last glance at Wes' side of the room. I feel a little guilty not spending time with them, but they are overreacting. They aren't my fucking bosses and they're too nosey. I shrug off my feelings and leave the room. I'm going to just have fun with Anthony and his friends and then maybe later I'll hang out with them. I guess I am being a little to critical.

David's POV (Oooo...)

Ian left the room. "Wow, what a dick," Matt says, sitting back down on Wes' bed. "I know he's been acting like that for a good month or something now. It's like he's hiding something." Wes remarks, going back to his single player game. I think Wes is right, he's been so sketchy and rude. I'm not just saying that because he denied being my boyfriend, but he's just being a little bitch lately. Maybe it's the stress from school getting to him. "I feel bad you have to live with him," Sohinki adds. "Except he's never home." "Guys don't talk behind his back, he's still our friend," I interrupt, making sure this doesn't get out of hand. "That's just because you want to get that ass, fag," Wes says, rolling his eyes. Now we're all just speaking from frustration, so I don't retort anything back from the derogatory term he threw at me. Now the room is quiet and awkward. I play with my wristbands on my wrist.

Just when I was about to say something, here comes Melanie, Mari, Matthew, Ryan, and Dan blowing thru the door. We all jump in our seats. "STOP DONT TELL THEM! I TOLD YOU IT'S A SECRET! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSE TO TELL ANYONE ELSE!" Melanie yells as she tries to grab onto Mari and Matthew. Ryan an Dan run behind, laughing. Tell us what? Maybe a surprise field trip. Melanie has a lot of connections in the school office ladies and the teachers, but everyone knows she can't keep her mouth quiet.

"Tell us what?" I ask, getting up. "IAN AND ANTHONY ARE GAYBIES!" Matthew (Lush) screams, before Melanie can tackle him on the ground. Right there my heart breaks... Ian told me he wasn't even gay and he wasn't looking for a relationship. "Wait what? How do you know that Melanie?" Wes gets up from his desk and helps her and Matthew up. "She said that she found them making out and being all cute and gay together in his room!" Mari squeals, jumping up and down. "That's definitely not what Mel said," Dan giggles. Mari gives him a dirty look, but they both end up laughing at each other. "I had to miss a follow spree on Twitter from Nicki Minaj because this was so important," Ryan whines. "It's serious business," Dan adds. To many people are talking and neither Wes, Sohinki, nor I know what the fuck is happening. "Melanie just explain what the fuck is happening," Wes says getting a little fed up by the childish behavior from our friends. "Well, uh basically. I was going to hang out with Ian and Anthony to show them a grandma voice that I made. I had just seen Ian like thirty minutes before actually going and he said he was going to Anthony's-" "JUST GET TO THE POINT!" I yell, getting impatient and already angry. Her face becomes red and flustered, but I don't really give a fuck right now. "Basically I went in the room and saw them sleeping together. When they woke up I asked them what was all this and they said they've been dating for a while now." She says cringing a little and falls down on the bed. "I wasn't suppose to tell you guys!" She starts crying. Sohinki goes over and comforts her, sitting next to her and rubbing her back.

My stomach drops... He's in love with Anthony. I knew it, but didn't want to accept it.

"What do we do now?" Mari asks, still jumping up and down. "Let's tell everyone! Anthony has been a jerk to everyone of us at least once. At least." I blurt. "We can't do that to Ian," Melanie sniffles and starts breaking out in tears again. "Plus, literally no one would believe us. Anthony is a homophobic freak, so why would anyone believe he's gay." Dan says, closing the door and goes to sit on Ian's desk chair. "Where is that little rainbow anyways?" Matthew asks, fixing his hair in the mirror and puckering his lips so his snake bites pop out. "Ian? He's at the library doing things for school," Sohinki says, bringing the little small blond closer to his chest. "Ok, well. Everyone is sworn to secrecy. No telling anyone about this, but I have an idea that might either go really bad or really good." Wes says, putting a nervous smile on his face. Just then Shane and Joey burst through the door. "We got the text from Mari! Is this a prank?" Joey yells, barley audible with his heavy breathes. We all just look at Mari and she just shrugs her shoulders. "No it's not, but we have a plan. No one can tell anyone about our plan. So Sohinki your in charge of keeping Melanie from slipping up." He adds and we all shake our heads, getting into a big huddle as he explains the plan.

Authors Note

Hello... My name is Really Bad Writer, What's yours?

Okay, but in honesty I'm living for your guy's comments they're so funny!

Happy USA Independence Day!! Hope you had a good one if you live in the U.S.

Um I'm not posting until Monday because this one came early (that's what she said)

Thanks for reading you cuties! I just want to pinch your little cheeks off! \(^_^\)

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