Chapter 2: New Friends, New Enemies

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Ian's POV

I walk to my dorm room, 6. The room has two beds on each side and a dresser below them both of them. In the corners of the rooms there are two desks. A guy is sitting at his desk, on his computer. He hears me come in and says "Hey, you must be my new roommate?" "Yea, hi my name's Ian!" I say as I fling my bags on the floor. "I'm guessing you're new, but my name is Wesley, but call me Wes." "Yea I'm new," I say as I take out my laptop and put it on my desk. "Well just saying right now, don't hang out in the lobby or you're going to get beat up. Unless you're a tough guy," Wes remarks, but hasn't taken a chance to turn away from his computer. "I'm not a tough guy, I'm probably the farthest thing from a tough guy," I giggle and stare at the back of his head. Kinda rude that he's not sparing me a glance. He seems to be editing a picture on his computer. "So what are you doing?" I ask, trying to make conversation and get more acknowledgement from him. He finally turns around to reveal his long "Fabio" hair and manly face. "It's just this thing called photoshop, you can do so much on it, look!" He enthusiastically says and motions me to come over. I walk over to his desk. Several action figures and video game stuff clutter his work space. I squat down and look at the computer monitor. He has a picture of Pikachu on the monitor. "Watch this," he whispers before dragging on a picture of Ash Ketchum. He makes a couple of clicks and before I know it, Pikachu has Ash's face. I laugh uncontrollably. "Cool right?" He says smiling a bit. "It's bomb, but how did you do it?" "It's just this program, you can do so much shit on it!" "I'm guessing you're a techy guy," I say before getting back to unpacking my things. "Yep, pretty much, what about you? I swear if you're a jock or sports guy I'm gonna have to kill myself." "No," I laugh, "The only thing that can be called athletic about me is that I do track, but it's just for fun. I don't really know what group I fit in though... I guess the nerds/emos." "Ah so a video game enthusiast, but also a little emo kid at heart." "Practically," I start to put clothes in my dresser. "You don't seem like the emo type, you seem like the guy who gets swirlies in the bathroom. No offense" "I get that a lot," I sigh and finish unpacking.

It's 5:20 p.m. by the time I'm finished and I have enough time to go explore a bit of the campus before orientation. "Hey I think I'm gonna head out Wes," I say as I pull on a sweatshirt and grab my backpack. "K, I'll see you at orientation maybe. Don't cause any fuckery," he responds and continues to fiddle with different programs on his computer. "I won't."

I walk out into the crazy mess of guys. I quickly try to sneak past the bullies, but to no avail I feel someone latch on to my hoodie. "NEW KID!" The man chuckles and gives me another yank on my sweatshirt. "Bro, I don't want any trouble, just let me go," I whine and struggle to get out of his grip. He suddenly releases his grasp on me, which sends me flying into the wall. I hear a burst of laughter in the lobby and I take a good look at my offender. It was the "emo" kid I saw under the tree. I guess his looks don't account for who he is. He has a one of the high schools jackets on and black skinny jeans. His haircut covers his eyes slightly, which makes him a bit more intimidating. "What are you looking at dumb ass! What are you a fag!" He yells as he notices me staring and I quickly run out the dorm. I take a big breath. That fantasy ended fast, the guy's a fucking jerk. But... I may have a small crush on him still. What's wrong with me.
God really fucked up when he made me.

I decide to go to my sister's dorm for a bit before I go to orientation. I'm sweating like crazy from the heat and adrenaline, but I'm not going to take of my jacket off because I'm self conscious about my body. I know I am no where close to being fat, but in my mind I am.

I walk on the pavement to my sisters room. Two girls giggle as I pass by. I flash them an awkward and embarrassed smile and continue to pace forward. "Wait! Bowl haired guy!" They yell. I turn around, my cheeks blushing from the name tease. "Are you new here," questions the girl on the right. The girl had side swooped black hair and a Japanese t-shirt on. The other girl looked like the girl that I got my schedule from. What was her name... Melissa, Molly. "Yo, Earth to bread head," the right girl says before snapping her fingers in my face. I flinch. Why do people always call me that? "Yea, oh. Yea I'm new." "Cool! What's your name?" The familiar girl asks and gives me a big smile with her red stained lips. "I'm I-Ian," I stutter and put my hands in the pockets of my hoodie. "My name's Mari and this is Melanie," the black haired one answers and points at the her blonde friend. "Cool, So are you guys freshman too," I say, trying to make conversation continue. "Yea! But we've been here for a year already," Melanie says and gives me another smile. "You must not have a lot of friends then! You can hang out with us dude!" Mari remarks as she takes out her phone. "Give me your phone." I bring out my phone and she snatches it out of my hands. She types a couple of things and gives it back. I look at her suspiciously and she explains. "I just put in all the numbers you need." "Well we gotta go Ian, maybe we'll see you later. Never mind we will see you later," Melanie says giving me another loving smile. They both walk off giggling and turn into a dorm building. If I wasn't so ugly and faggoty-like I would think that she's flirting with me. I really doubt it though, she's probably just has a really nice and inviting personality. She's a pretty girl too and I'm a god awful looking freak. Also, I'm not attracted to her, but she'll make a good friend.

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