Chapter 3: Melissa?

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Ian's POV

"Don't tell mom! I know I'll have to tell her one day, but I swear if you tell her I'll rip off your balls and pin them to your face!" my sister whisper screams as she holds me by my collar.


I had used the spare key that my mom gave me to my sister's dorm because she wouldn't answer the door. I walked in to my sister riding a guy's dick in her dorm room. Of course my stupid self made it clear that I was there and gasped like a little girl. She instantly saw me and she pulled a blanket over them. I ran into her bathroom, not the smartest idea, but I was already on a stupid decision streak so why not keep it going. After a couple of minutes she barged through the door and took me by the collar.

"Melissa! I'm not gonna tell mom! But you're only 17, slow it down, you literally had a year before you were legal!" I say as she lets me go. "I know, I know... It's just really hard to keep boyfriends without giving them something in high school," she says defeated and sits down on the toilet. Melissa's hair was dyed black now and had blue and purple tips. She had heavy makeup on and her clothes were skimpy and small. "Yeah, but that's not you, and this personality that you're creating of yourself is not you." "You just don't get it Ian... I just want to fit it! The little innocent modernized country girl wasn't getting me anywhere. Have you even talked to anyone in this school? You're either a fucking cheerleader that is an airhead or a loser that can get away with being smart." She says as she covers her hands on her face. "So you choose to be a loser who fucks other losers? Melissa this isn't you, these guys are stupid... Please just be your normal self again," I say as I come over and rub her back as if she was a alcoholic after a day of drinks. "It's not that easy Ian!" her voice raising. "Just leave Ian and we'll talk about this later. I love you, and I don't want to get mad at you." "Ok, but you're gonna have to explain this to mom and you know mom is extremely stressed and is going through menopause on top of that." I giggle, then pointing to her head to toe. "I know, but I said I love youuuu." "Yeah yeah, love you too," I say rolling my eyes and she grabs my hand and pulls me down to give me a quick sibling kiss on the cheek. "You've grown so much Ian, I barley got to take a good look at you!" She says in a voice more familiar. "I know I didn't recognize you when you were being penetrated in front of my face." She flashes me a look of annoyance. "I have to go, but you'll have to explain more tomorrow," I say, inching towards the bathroom door. "Ok, and you have to explain what's been happening back home." "Ok, bye Melly." She gives me a smile and a wave before getting up as well, and starts cleaning her messed up makeup. I pass the guy

I leave her dorm and check my phone. It's 5:40, I guess I should head to the orientation. As I walk to the gymnasium I check my phone. I follow the high school's Tumblr, Instagram and Twitter. As I scroll through their posts on Instagram I see that boy again. God he's fucking unbearably hot. I click on a team football picture. Luckily, the picture is tagged with his Instagram. I don't hesitate to check it out. His screen name is smoshidiot, but his bio says "Anthony Danger Padilla. Get the Fuck out of my way bitch. CPS. Quarter Back. Dorm D." I scroll through his photos, which seems to have a variety of different versions of him. Cat selfies to cool guy douche pictures. I get a little sad when I see a picture of him and his girlfriend, as if I had a chance with him. I follow him because might as well. Doubt he'll even notice because he had 3 thousand followers. I feel like a creep but I continue to scroll through his pictures until I reach his first post.

"IAN!!!" I jump as a person comes behind me and grabs my shoulder. It's Wes. "Geez you scared the shit out of me." "Sorry, but what are you looking on your phone that's making you so entranced." He says snatching the phone out of my hands. He's so much more energetic away from the computer. "Give it back!" I yell grabbing trying to get my phone back. "Why are you stalking this douches account?" "I just happened to pass by his account," I answer, getting a bit flustered from embarrassment. I finally get my hand on the phone, but he pushes me away again. "I'm just gonna follow all the people you need to." He laughs as he runs with my phone into the gym. I let out a big sigh and run after him. I'm ten minutes early, but half of the stands are already full. Again the seats are separated by social class. I look for Wes in the massive group of people. Although it's half of the school there's a good 500 students filling the stands. As I look around I spot the guy again... What was his name again... Ant.. Anthony! In the middle of my mental contemplation, he sees me staring at him. We make an awkward eye contact, which lasts for like 20 seconds until one of his friends pull him away. I swear it seemed like he was enjoying our ocular connection for a second.

I run over to Wes who is sitting next to Mari, Melanie, David, and a couple other people. They seem to be having fun with my phone. I swipe the phone away from their hands and give them a dirty look. "Sorry we just really liked your drawings and we just took pictures of them. We'll delete them off our phones if you want," Mari says pouting out her bottom lip. The rest of the group agrees. "It would look nice on my Instagram though," David adds scrolling through the pictures he took, "Maybe people would think I'm good at drawing and pay me to draw them things." "What would you do when they found out you can't even draw a circle?" Another kid in the group asks, chuckling a bit. "That's the whole point." Everyone laughed, except me because I was worrying if they saw the gay pictures I drew. "I rather not let you guys post my drawings, they aren't anything to be proud of," I nervously say as I tug at the collar of my shirt. "Fine..." The whole group chimes in as they delete the photos off their phones. A huge weight is lifted off of me because none of them had seen my questionable pictures. I make myself to the top of the wooden bleachers and lean against the wall, releasing air from my mouth as I sit down. I check my phone and proceed to stalk this Anthony guy as I wait for the rally to start.

Authors Note:

Just saying this story doesn't have real facts. Sure, some the people in this story are actual people, but idk what Ian is. I DONT KNOW HIM! And later you'll learn that Anthony is 2 years older than Ian which is not true at all because they're only like 1-2 months apart. Lol

Promise ianthony will arrive. I'm just easing the ianthony in. I just wanna make sure you're ready.

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