Chapter 10: Back Home

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Anthony's POV

Ian walks away from my car. The guy is just so cute, like it's unexplainable. He's just so hot personality wise and physically. His beautiful icy blue eyes and his little freckles that are now fading away because it's becoming cooler. His tight khaki skinny jeans and cute blue sweatshirt. Not to mention his figure is amazing. Like. Wow. Not only that, but his sweet innocence, yet his wild rambunctious horny teenager comes out at times. Just thinking about him makes my heart flutter.

I get rid of my embarrassing boner and leave to 3rd period. I'll be like 10 minutes late, but I'm a teacher's assistant so I don't really need to show up. I'll do it for Ian though.

I open the door to the gym. I hear a silent chatter of people and the crash of the door closing behind me. "Padilla you're late!" Mr. Bone yells aggressively. It doesn't phase me too much because I get his shit almost everyday. "I'm not even in this class. I'm just you're damn assistant, old man," I say as I toss my keys in my hands. A chuckle runs through the class, but Mr. Bone blows his whistle which makes everyone quiet again. I catch the eye of Ian and I give him a little wink. He turns away blushing and covering his mouth, trying to hide his cheesy smile. I smile back. "If you weren't our starting quarterback I would make your ass run the track!" He laughs, cracking himself up. His red neck voice roaring in the gymnasium. I roll my eyes and sit on the bleachers next to him. The class is in front of us sitting on the floor in their roll call lines. I see Ian is starring at me, which is extremely adorable. I signal to him with my hands a hole being penetrated by my two fingers. He looks at me wide eyed and turns away quickly. I laugh to myself. Even though we haven't done anything, it's fun to make Ian uncomfortable.

I observe Ian trying hard to do push-ups. "Come on, Ian. Ten more and you've passed." Melanie encourages him, as she kneels next to him. "It's harder than it looks, Mel," he says, his voice strained. He finishes and collapses on the ground. "You're such a pussy!" I yell from the other side of the room. He flips me off and I stick my tongue out at him. He laughs. He looks really good in those tight gym shorts, I must confess. I bite my lip thinking about him. I need to get my head out of the gutter.

Ian's POV

I see Anthony getting a little hot and bothered. I just roll my eyes and finish these stupid athletic tests.

I'm finally done once I finish my sit up test. "Finally," I sigh and collapse one last time. Melanie laughs at how tired I am, she's always so energetic so she cannot relate. "Come on get up bread head," she says and gives a hand to help me up. I get up and wipe the sweat off my forehead. "Honestly, you're bread head is more of a spaghetti bowl right now." Melanie giggles and pushes my hair so it's back in shape. I give her a annoyed stare, but end up laughing with her because I can't keep a straight face around her. We decide to go over with Anthony because we have a couple minutes before the dress bell rings. "Hey ass wipe!" I yell to him, as he putts away our class's yoga mats. He looks around angrily, but his face softens when he sees that I said it.

"Buddy, you struggled big time today!" He tells me and gives me a nudge. Melanie laughs. I just roll my eyes and give him a nudge back. "Thanks for showing up by the way. Didn't think you actually would." "Honestly, I didn't come to class for you. I just came because I don't need another detention call," he says, straightening out his jacket. "Yeah, sure whatever." I knew he was lying, but that was the whole point so it doesn't seem that were too needy for each other.


I get to my sister's dorm. I knock this time until someone answers. Her face is less painted and she actually combed her hair today. "Hey, Ian! What's up!" Melissa says and motions me to come in. "I just thought I'd stop by and fill you in on things. Catch up, now that I'm all situated in the school." "Oh ok!" She says and makes herself comfortable on her bed. I don't join her on the bed because I know what has been on there. I make myself comfortable on her beanbag on the floor. By now it's 5:30p.m. and it's Friday so students are allowed to roam about the school and have a later curfew of 11:30p.m.

"So how's mom and dad?" She asks, looking down at her hands knowing that the answer won't be sweet. "Well, mom is fine. Dad is the same guy, but they went to court for the divorce," I solemnly say. "Well, who got us? Like who got custody?" "The... The things is that Dad didn't want us." I take a pause and watch her reaction. Her face looks shattered like I just played a sick joke on her. "Wh-what do you mean?" She shakily asks. "I mean that Dad didn't even fight for custody, but was fighting for giving mom less child support money. Dad has changed he's no longer his happy fun self. He's depressed and worn down. The poor guy is being over worked," I reply quickly, trying to give sympathy to my dad. "Yeah! But he's fucking swimming in money bags. He can't spare us a couple bucks," she's starting to get furious and gets up and paces the room. I straighten out my pants. "Whatever, it already happened. We can't change anything. He's still paying the charges and mom is now trying to move somewhere else, so she sent me here. Dad told me before he went into court that it was all politics and for us not to take it personally." she comes over to me and picks me up. She gives me a tight hug. "I know, I'm just mad. At least we have each other," she whispers and gives me a kiss on the forehead, which leaves a red lipstick stain. She licks her finger and rubs it off. I maneuver away from her, giving her a playful face. "I think I'm gonna go now and get some homework done early," I remark. "Ok Ian bear! Be sure to take care of yourself! And tell me if anyone is getting on your nerves or if you need any help, okay?" "Okay, thanks Mel!" I walk out the door and sigh a bit, but not of relief. I chickened out, I didn't tell her about Anthony and I.

Authors Note

I like you, like a lot.

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